
February was an incredible month. From welcoming  the first Latina Superintendent to Fabens ISD to visting Hondo ISD's leadership team and students ~ I am always working for you!  Take a look at the February photos.

  • Please consider contributing to your Texas State Board of Education District 1 office. The state does not provide funding for an office, staff, or a stipend. 
  • The TXSBOE1 District begins in El Paso and goes east to Odeassa and south to Zapata, more than 900 miles along the Texas/Mexico border. 
Students in Hondo ISD

What students across District 1 say they need from us to make taking the STAAR less stressful

I ask this question of students expecting them to say, "Not taking the tests would be better," but most respond with simple requests such as setting the start time to 9:30am, and allowing for a few minutes to stand up and move around each hour. The start time can be changed if the local leadership chooses - and they should. However, a "movement break" would cost the students time which may be needed to complete an 82-question test within 4 hours. Which students also mentioned - tests are too long. I agree.

How many objectives do your students need to learn before the STAAR? 

The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) documents provide the minimum information that teachers are required to teach AND what the state must test. The charts below illustrate the number of objectives divided by the number of days each subject has before the state required test. Notice, each subject has double, triple, quadruple the amount of time in comparison to Social Studies. Read more


LULAC Women's Conference

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), which serves communities across the nation to protect civil rights. This weekend I had the privilege and honor to speak to at their annual Emerging Women Luncheon. The room was filled with community advocates, business leaders, and my favorite - high school students. Each group is working to create opportunities for every person in their respective communities. It is a great place to find one's self in a room which the  common practice is not talking about personal struggles to illuminate the "If I can do it so can you" mentality, but rather "I do this work so you don't have to struggle." 


TXSBOE Student Hero Awards

We are accepting nominations for the 2019 Student Heroes Award. If you have not already submitted your nominations, please take a moment to do so now. 
Click here for nomination forms and program guidelines or email TXSBOE support staff for more information.