Foundation Fundraising 2024-2025
Kids are heading back to school and the temperatures are still warm, but Fall is just around the corner, and Zonta Club Foundation Fundraisers are revving up. Please be aware of the upcoming fundraiser events and look for additional information on other Fundraising opportunities throughout the year.
We head into the season with $1,553 already in the bank; this stems from a prior year carryover with no Jane Klausman Scholarship winner for 2023-2024. In addition, the Foundation received a donation in memory of Paul Kattouf, and a Grant from Capital Blue Cross. Thank you to member Stacey Clark for her efforts on the Grant!
A donation in honor of birthdays, anniversaries or other special events is a great way to support the Foundation throughout the year. Donations to the Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation may be made through our website or sent anytime to;
Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation, P.O. Box 590 ~ Hummelstown, Pa 17036
New Cumberland Apple Festival Parking - Saturday, September 28th
This is a great, easy fund-raiser. We get to visit with one another in the beautiful fall weather and raise money while providing a convenience to festival attendees. Feel free to bring your friends, spouses, water, sunscreen and chairs to help make a successful day.
Parking for the New Cumberland Apple Festival is always limited so we are fortunate to have a couple of prime locations. Basically, we guide drivers to park their cars in a couple of different lots. We do not physically park the cars, just direct people in. We hand out thank you notes that talk about Zonta and our mission as they pay us $5.00 for the convenience and to support us!
We will be working at the Car Wash and at the back of Nick’s 114 Cafe.
We start at 8:00 and are usually finished by about 2:00. If you can stay all day – that’s great – if only for a few hours – that’s appreciated too. We will use Diana's office for food and bathroom (406 Second Street, New Cumberland.) She will supply hot dogs and sauerkraut and water. If you would like to bring something, that would be great. When you arrive, you can either park in her lot or on the street beside the lot; parking is not allowed in the front of the office that day.
Please email [email protected] to let her know if you can help and the hours you are available so we can get a schedule together. She'll be in touch via email closer to the event.
Holiday Wreath Fundraiser October-November 2024
Be on the lookout for details on this upcoming annual fundraiser!
The Finance Committee appreciates your support of ZCHH-Foundation Fundraisers in support of our mission to build a better world for women and girls!
Finance and Fundraising Committee