As one of the first scholars to join Rise Together Education and now as a RTE Director, I have seen the progress that RTE has made and the impact it creates in our scholars. I have had the pleasure of seeing RTE grow from a group of students to a strong community focused on helping each other succeed. I believe my brother Josué, a freshman at the University of Central Missouri, said it best: RTE is like a family​.

- Sammy Vasquez


Grainger Marburg, RTE Mentor

Q&A with Mentor Grainger Marburg

Q: How did you first become involved in mentoring with RTE?

I became involved with RTE in the fall of 2021. I wanted to do something meaningful that was different from my job at the time (COO of the Wellbeing Trust). I had been there for almost five years and I was feeling a little disconnected because of the pandemic and working exclusively from home. Through an email to Paly parents I learned RTE was looking for a Treasurer and I reached out to learn more about the organization and it became clear after those conversations that it was probably a better fit for me to be a mentor.  

Q: What has been challenging?

The most challenging thing for me was becoming a mentor for a group that had already started college. The students had been virtual at the end of high school (many of them had started college virtually as well) and they hadn't met an RTE mentor in person. It was hard trying to establish any kind of connection or relationship with students that had never met me. Read More


Scholar Profile: Angel Armenta López

Angel, Paly Class of 2022, is majoring in Social Science Teacher Preparation at San Jose State University, with an expected graduation date of May 2026. Angel says the best part about going to college is meeting new people, and improving himself everyday. Read more


Event Recap: Erasing the Finish Line

On December 6th, RTE held a fundraising event at Paly's Haymarket Theater where author Ana Homayoun was in conversation with her former teacher and Escondido Elementary School Principal Leslie Crane. Homayoun spoke about her new book, Erasing the Finish Line, which highlights the blueprint and essential skills young people need to move beyond a prescribed path and truly thrive in school and life.

Read the Palo Alto Weekly's front page article about Homayoun here.


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