
Time Is Running Out To Register For Tonight's Webinar



The other day, I came across ANOTHER fake real estate coach.

And if you’re like me, you are SICK of these guys. The guys who put on these “free events”. Give bad advice. Then they take people’s money while getting them ZERO results.

At the same time, here’s the problem…

As much as I hate fake coaches… I have to admit... when you want to make money in real estate, it’s a good idea to have a coach. If  you want to make money doing anything really.


Well, success leaves clues.

Someone has done what perhaps you’d like to do.  Have you thought about that?

Well, you don’t need me to tell you this BUT... real estate investing can be risky…

In real estate, you may need to take out a loan… get into debt… pledge your other assets as collateral (if you have  any and if you don’t, this is even more important for you)… and you’re never really in control of the market or your  finances.

So that means, when you screw up... that ONE screw-up can cost you (or whoever you’re getting money from) TENS OF THOUSANDS or even HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars - just like that.   Not to mention your stress, reputation, ability to earn and more…

In a blink of an eye.

I’ve seen it over and over again where families are  devastated and get set back for YEARS from simple mistakes.

If you haven’t had a huge setback like this before, you’re lucky.

It happens to people every day.

This is why I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to figure things out on your own either.

So the real question you want to ask is:

“How do you tell a fake coach from a great coach?”

Here’s an easy way you know.

When you’re looking for a real estate coach, you want someone who is in the trenches doing what they teach you. You do NOT want someone just talking a good talk. But never walks the walk.

I’ll give you an example.

Take my dear friend. My inspiration. And an investor other investors look up to - Mr. Chris Prefontaine.

Chris is one of the few real estate coaches who’s ACTIVELY doing what he teaches. Right now, he’s doing 4-10 deals a month, every month and has  for years and now does so with his small family team - son Nick, son in law Zach and daughter Kayla.

And each one of their deals average $75,000.00 dollars and actually have a really cool component in that each one creates 3 Paydays – Cash now, monthly  cash flow and large wealth creation and cash outs.

And it gets better...

They’re pocketing that average $75,000.00 a deal with zero of their own cash and zero borrowing of any money.

If you want to know how they do it, I’d highly recommend you watch this webinar.

(Click here for details of Chris’s webinar

WITHIN MINUTES of listening to Chris, you’ll know this guy is the real deal-you decide.

What’s funny is Chris is so blunt and to the point, on this webinar, he shows you:

  • Where to get unlimited deals without you door-knocking, cold calling or stressing out…predictably

  • How to speak with an owner confidently when you find the deal…

  • What type of deal structure will make you the most money…

  • What type of deal structure fits YOUR risk-tolerance, habits, work ethic, and schedule...

  • How to structure win-win deals with every homeowner you talk to...

  • How to pay yourself an average of $75,000.00 dollars a deal (sometimes more…sometimes less but would you be OK with $50,000?)....

  • How to get immediate cash flow on  your deals…

  • What your most profitable exit strategies are that 99% of “real estate investors” aren’t even aware of…

  • The legal challenge you ALWAYS want to pay attention to in real estate investing…

  • What are ALL the costs to running  a business like this? [this will surprise you]

  • And more

I can’t even believe this is a free to watch but  you’ll learn that his style and his family’s style  is that they give a lot and they truly care.

Anyways, see Chris’s webinar now by Registering HERE

You’re going to get INSTANT value.

You’re going to be able to see a list of simple, new ways to make money in real estate -  you never knew you could do right now.

And you’ll be able to know EXACTLY what a TRUE real estate coach is supposed to be like.

Elsa Palmer-Oden and the RE Team

PS Since Chris is a friend of mine, I got him to give you something amazing.

For people on this weeks’ webinar, Chris is giving you 8-hours of REAL LIFE calls he has with his Associates.  These Associates do deals regularly with Chris and his team. (You may be one some day.)

On these calls, you’ll hear Chris and his Associates joking around. Doing deals. Brainstorming. Talking about new legal issues. Sharing the nuisances of exiting a deal. What happens when you hit a speed bump. What can go wrong.

And you’ll just get the REAL kind of talks you would NEVER hear anywhere else - unless you paid tens of thousands of dollars to  be in a mastermind. These are weekly mastermind sessions for his private Associates.

Their website sells these call-recordings for $497. But because you’re seeing this email now, you’ll get these recordings on a USB sent straight to your house - for FREE.  No shipping, naddah, free.

I would suggest just registering and completing the webinar to get this bonus!

It’s WAY too valuable to pass up.

Click here for full details or to register