Summer Updates

It's hard to believe we've been back in the jungle for four months now~so much has happened in such a seemingly short amount of time! Each day God reminds us of how blessed we are to be here, and we know we couldn't do it without your help.

Our desire going forward is to email regular updates and use our website and Facebook to post project information, calendars, photos, videos and more! Please feel free reach out if there is anything specific you need from us.


w/ Missionary Steve Ford and the Regional leadership Team (Iquitos)

Preparing for Iquitos

Of all the changes happening, the most significant is our transition to Iquitos this fall. We had a successful visit there at the end of July; met the regional leadership, talked about the extent of ministry and how we could assist them.

This region is extremely spread out with very isolated communities~the map to the left shows the various "counties" within the state of Loreto. Datem del Marañon & Alto Amazonas are now part of "Yurimaguas." Iquitos is over the remaining areas. (It is located just above the south-eastern point of Loreto-Nauta in Maynas.)

It's exciting and scary all at the same time! We look forward to seeing all God has planned and starting down a new path.

Let's build the Church!


Some kids and local community members looking on while the finishing touches are put on their new church.

In the beginning of June, Mike had the privilege of leading a mixed team of missionaries and nationals from Yurimaguas and Ullpayacu. This group of eight (in two boats) traveled to Watuyacu--an Achuar community close to the Ecuador border. It's the furthest community we've made it to yet. Currently there are six people from three Achurar communities who regularly attending our Bible Storytelling (Orality) trainings (in addition to the 50ish Kandozi). We anticipate this new building will increase interest and attendance, as well as more requests! Our goal is to erect three more by the end of the year. 


Camp Yurimaguas construction continues.


The camp kitchen facility was erected at the end of April with the help of a team from Impact Church (Scottsdale, AZ) and Global Commissioned Builders (Colorado Springs, CO). The next Children's Camp is mid-September.

God gave our missionary co-workers and friends, Ricky & Carol Hendon, a vision to build a camp while they were working in Ecuador. Four years ago they purchased land outside Yurimaguas (on the highway to Tarapoto) and work has been going strong ever since.

Last year was the inaugural Kid's Camp with 70+ in attendance. This year's event is scheduled for next month (Sep. 23-25) and we are expecting to cap the attendance at 85. We desire to see the lives of these young people transformed through a personal encounter with the only living God!  

Making disciples one story at a time.


Meet Pastor Roberto and his wife Mirtha from the Kandozi community of Chambira. Mike met them on the river going to Watuyacu.

The next Orality intensive is Oct. 30 - Nov. 6. Our team is working hard to get stories and audio equipment into the hands of our pastors to assist them in discipleship and spiritual growth. During this next training we'll demonstrate a personal audio device and tablet for them to use in their ministry so we can get feedback and hear how we can best equip them. 

Recently, the national church approved an oral curriculum to use for all our indigenous pastors. Some great things are happening in the area of Bible storytelling here in Peru!

Our Audio-Visual Bible is pending approval as a BGMC (Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge) project very soon. We'll be putting out more information about this project on our website and social media pages.

Be sure to check out Facebook for more frequent updates and important announcements!


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