The STAR Republican News March 2018 Star Republican Women is a federated member club of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and serves members and communities within TFRW Region XI and Texas Senate Districts 22 and 24. In This Issue. . . March Program Details Election Day March 6 Gennie's Spotlight Save the Date: May 5 Sip and Paint Day April 10 You Can be a Delegate Welcome New Members Red Shoe Book Club Selection SRW Patrons & Sponsors SRW To Meet March 20 at Quail Point Light Lunch 12:30 p.m. Program 1 p.m. CLICK HERE for Upcoming GOP Events Calendar Williamson County Sheriff to Speak About "Active Shooter" Responses Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody and Deputy Mark Luera will speak Tuesday, March 20 at the Star Republican Women meeting at Quail Point, providing a mini-training session on how civilians can best protect themselves should an "active shooter" situation occur at a public event. The school shooting in Columbine in 1999 changed the lives of many and also the way law enforcement trains officers and responds in an active shooter situation. Lessons learned from the too many tragic events in America over the past two decades have changed how law enforcement agencies prepare private citizens to respond as well. The tragic event in Sutherland Springs at the First Baptist Church just three months ago has spurred increased interest in preparing private citizens for what to do in an active shooter situation at any gathering. At a recent TFRW Board meeting in February, the Williamson County Sheriff’s Department made a presentation entitled “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE).” Williamson County Sheriff Chody and Deputy Luera will present this training for members and guests at the March 20 th Star Republican Women’s meeting. In this presentation, you will hear about best practices for security, appropriate responses by citizens for safety of all involved, and ways to minimize the impact of an active shooter situation. This is an enlightening presentation that could save your life and the lives of others when confronted by an active shooter at any community gathering whether it be church, club meetings, social events, or other situations. A complimentary light lunch will be served starting at 12:30pm on March 20, 2018 and the business meeting and program will begin at 1:00, concluding around 2:00pm. Denise Rives, VP and Programs Don't Forget to Vote! Early voting for the primary elections ends March 2. Election day is set for March 6. For a list of all candidates seeking county and state offices, click on the button below or go to: List of All Candidates for 2018 Primary Elections Gennie's Spotlight We are nearing the end of early voting in the elections, and where are our voters? We are, and claim to be, members of the Republican Party, and why are you not at the polls and doing your job, VOTING! There are over 15,000 registered voters in Llano County. This is a primary election for Governor, Lt. Governor, Senators, Representatives, Judicial positions and many other State, county and local positions. These are politicians you and I have praised or complained about, some that have become friends and some strangers but have a wonderful background. You would like to see progress in our great state of Texas in an elected position, but what is keeping you away from taking just a short time and making your voice heard? You may feel that you will vote in the run-off or the general election in November; but don't you want to see the candidate you believe in and who you think will make a stand in our progression to a position of greatness for the State of Texas? The choice is yours. YOU can make a difference. We are looking and waiting for you at the election locations. You can make excuses, sit at home and say your vote is just one vote and it's just the primary, or go vote and make your vote count. The most wonderful thing to see at the polls is a first-time, excited, and very eager voter, and the veteran and older voter that comes in and states that he or she has never missed voting in an election. That is a Patriot! The election is up to you! God Bless Texas and the USA ! Gennie Ward, SRW President SAVE THE DATE: MAY 5! Star Republican Women will be hosting a fundraising Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday afternoon, May 5 at Jolie's in Marble Falls. Plan to attend and join your fellow Republicans for fun, food and entertainment -- including watching the 144th Kentucky Derby Race. More details to come soon! Marion Gardner, Ways & Means Committee Chairman Sign Up for a Fun and Rewarding Caring for America Project! It's a Sip and Paint Day Tuesday, April 10! Join your fellow Star Republican Women members for a fun afternoon painting and sipping wine -- all for a good cause. Caring for America Committee Chairman Marsha Lovelady - a "master crafter" and super artist will share her skills and techniques with 20 SRW members at the SRW Sip and Paint Event, Tuesday April 10 from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. at Jolie's on Main Street in Marble Falls. Participants will be given all materials they need to create a functional piece of art for their home or as a wonderful gift to someone special. AND wine and refreshments will be served. Price to participate is $40 per person. Net proceeds will go to Patriot Paws, a special organization that trains dogs to help needy Veterans. To sign up, please email Marsha at:
[email protected] Marsha Lovelady, Caring for America Committee Chairman Get Involved! Join a Committee Star Republican Women needs YOU! SRW encourages you to consider joining a committee to contribute your time and talents to help our club grow and continue to get better. At the same time, we know you will have a lot of fun! Please review the list of committees listed at the end of this newsletter and contact the chairman of the committee in which you would like to become involved. You Can be A Delegate to the Republican State Convention! You can be a delegate to the Republican State Convention! What is the Republican State Convention? It’s a place for people who vote in the Republican Primary election to define our shared beliefs and to determine how we will promote them. We do this by creating a platform and by setting rules and electing people to run the party between conventions. Who can attend the Republican State Convention? Anyone who is a registered voter, who has affiliated with the Republican Party, either by voting in the Party Primary or by taking an oath of affiliation, and has been duly elected by the lower level conventions. You can affiliate with the Republican Party by voting in the Republican Primary Election or by taking an oath of affiliation. You can only affiliate with one party during each election year. What is a delegate? Delegates are grassroots Republicans who participate in the shaping of the Republican Party, its role, and its direction regarding public policy. They volunteer and are chosen by their districts to attend the party’s conventions in each even-numbered year. Step 1: Precinct Conventions When and where: Your 2018 Precinct Convention will be held sometime after the polls close on Primary Election Day (March 6, 2018) and before the start of the County/Senate District Conventions (March 24, 2018). Please check with your local Republican County Chair for the most up to date information. (See What to expect: If you are a registered voter and affiliate with the Republican Party, you can participate in this convention. You can introduce and vote on resolutions. Then elect delegates and alternates to the next convention level. Step 2: County / Senate District Conventions When and where: Your County or SD Convention will be held on March 24, 2018. Your county party sets the location and time. What to expect: In the days or weeks before the convention, you can visit committee meetings and let them know what issues are important to you.