How does your admin view time spent in the theatre? Are they aware of the educational value of the theatre? Do you have vocational students who will go on to work in the industry? (Has anyone seen the list of people in the credits of a movie!)
And now we come to the primary reason why a school theatre exists in the first place. To educate students. Although not all of your students who work behind the scenes in your theatre will pursue careers in the entertainment industry – just like not all students in a math class will become mathematicians – the transferrable career skills and life skills all students will gain will be invaluable. After all, technical theatre is a CTE subject. And, as I always say – Tech Theatre is STEM Behind the Scenes!
Tech theatre education is a part of the Theatre Manager’s job, whether or not you are also a certificated teacher. You may not be directly involved – your technicians may be acting as mentors – but you need to help provide the students you work with, with the skills and knowledge they will need to be safe and competent in their jobs in your theatre and out in the world. You are not only providing them with practical hands-on stills, but with life skills too, such as teamwork, self-responsibility and problem solving.
And you need your admin’s support to properly serve your students!
Choose one tech theatre student whom you’ve worked with in the past who has really benefited from being in tech theatre in high school. What was their specialty (lights, sound, sets, costumes, SM, etc)? What were the student’s natural characteristics that made them excel in tech theatre? How did they grow as a result of being in tech theatre? What were their leadership qualities as well as their teamwork qualities – how did they balance these. What did this student do after high school (if you know)? If this student didn’t pursue a career in tech theatre, how did what they learn in tech theatre prepare them for their career? If you haven’t worked with a vocational tech student in the past discuss in general how you see high school tech theatre will prepare all students for the ‘real world’, either in a career in the entertainment business or in other related fields.
Present your ‘student biography’ to your administration.
(For more ideas about advocating for support and funding for education in your school theatre, check out the Education chapter of High School Theatre Operations. For more detailed guidance on vocational education support, check out the Theatre Management Training online course or tutorials.)