


Welcome to our May newsletter. There is lots happening at St. Luke's over the next few weeks. In particular there are a couple of events for people to enjoy and hopefully bring friends and family to. A Beetle Drive this Saturday and an event called Parenting Explored on Tuesday 22nd May. 

Below is also a piece on how you can help St. Luke's to flourish. 

Please read on!

"Since then you have been raised with Christ,

set your hearts on things above,

where Christ is seated at the right hand of God."

Colossians 3:1

Helping St. Luke's to flourish

Spring has truly sprung and there is a real sense of growth and flourishing in the gardens as the plants respond well to the double gift from the sky: sunshine and rain. 

Today is Ascension Day, when we remember that after rising from the dead and appearing to his disciples over 40 days, Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at God's right hand. Yet, this wasn't really the end of  Jesus's ministry, but the beginning. From heaven Jesus was to send his gifts on the Church so that like the plants in spring, the church would flourish.

And so we want to encourage the use of the gifts God has given us to help bring about God's Kingdom. There are three ways you can help the small part of God's work that is St. Luke's to flourish. 

Firstly, please pray. Over the next 9 days, we are encouraging people to put aside time to pray as part of the 'Thy Kingdom Come' initiative. There will be prayer meetings in church at 9:15am (every day except Sunday) or if you can't make that time and want to pray at home you can access some prayer guides from the Diocese here.

Secondly, please consider how you can volunteer to help at St. Luke's. We already have over 60 people volunteering to help in a number of different roles at church, but there are always vacancies! This Sunday after the service from 12-12:30pm we are having a short time of training and encouragement for those who help as part of a 'Host Team' by welcoming people at the door, providing refreshments, running the technical equipment in the service etc. If you are in a team, please make this a priority. If you are not already in a team and would like to volunteer for one of these roles, then please also come along to find out whether there might be something you can do.

Thirdly, please consider your financial giving to St. Luke's. There is more about this on our website. We will be holding a special Gift Day on Sunday 20th May.

Two Events


Beetle Drive, Saturday 12th May, 5-7pm

This is a great fun social event for anyone who can throw dice and draw lines, no matter how old or young. There will also be refreshments. 

This event is purely social, but there will probably be a plug for the Explore Event below. Do invite friends and family to join us. It will take place in the Church Hall.


Parenting Explored: Can Christianity help us to be better parents?

Tuesday 22nd May, 7:30-9:00pm in the Church.

This is the first of our new Explore Events, where we will be exploring how Christianity is relevant to life today and answering common objections to the Christian faith.

In this first event we are going to be looking at the topic of parenting. It will be an interactive evening, with discussions, room for questions, teaching, sharing and more!

Do come along yourself, especially if you are a parent, might become a parent or might offer support to parents! Also, why not invite family or friends who aren't Christians so they can see how faith has relevance for today.


Other News

Remember that the JustOne event at Priestfield Stadium in Gillingham with evangelist J. John is coming up on 9th June. For more information or to book tickets to take a friend or family member, then check out the JustOne website.

Enjoy the sunshine and the rain I hope to see you soon!

Yours in Christ,


St. Luke's Website