November 2024 Newsletter

I hope everyone is having a fantastic fall season!

URGENT: There are only a few more weeks left to apply for the Genealogy Wish Grants program. Learn more at: Genealogy Wish Grants.

If you haven't heard yet, or figured it out by know, Ancestry just launched their biggest DNA update ever! You can learn more at: AncestryDNA’s Biggest Update Ever: What You Need to Know.

A recent, very interesting, NBC News article titled "They're uncovering their ancestry — and questioning their families' racial narratives" caught my attention, and I was inspired to revisit one of my own family narratives where this came into play. Learn more about this article and how it may apply to your own family history at: Uncovering My Mexican Heritage: DNA and Records Reveal Hidden African Ancestry.

I recently realized I had been significantly underreporting my continuing education for my Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) membership requirements. The reason? Lack of organization.  Learn how this process helped me not only stay on top of my education reporting but also manage my professional development more effectively and how it may help you, at: Lessons from Organizing My Genealogy Education.

I had a great time at the Southern California Genealogical Society's Genealogy Jam. Learn more about the Genealogy Jam and how you can attend next year at: Genealogy Jam 2024: A Day of Learning and Connection​.

Be sure to check out my FREE upcoming speaking events for August, in which one is a new topic, and my newest blog postsFacebook Page, and Group for tips and tricks, and more news! You're all invited to join!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Diane Henriks@Know Who Wears the Genes in Your Family

New at Ancestry, Ancestry Updates, Ancestry Features, Ancestry Info Request, Ancestry Tools, Genealogy Resources

Ancestry's Biggest DNA Update Ever!


Learn How to Organize Your Genealogy Education! 


New at FamilySearch, FamilySearch Updates, FamilySearch Features, FamilySearch New Home Page, FamilySearch Tools, Genealogy Resources
New at Ancestry, Ancestry Updates, Ancestry Features, Ancestry Comments Activity, Ancestry Tools, Genealogy Resources

Revealing Hidden Ancestry through DNA & Records! 


FREE Genealogy Events

Genealogy Speaking, Genealogy Presentation, Genealogy Event, Diane Henriks

FREE In promptū genealogy presentation, this Saturday, if you'd like to join! (The info should be up soon)

  • "Finding Descendants in Your Family Tree": VIRTUALLY; Saturday Nov 2, 10AM (PST time); Yamhill County Genealogiocal Society, McMinnville OR
Learn More

"Genealogy Wish Grants"


The "Genealogy Wish Grants" closes November 11, 2024; have you applied for your genealogy wish yet! One lucky person will be granted a genealogy research wish for Christmas! Read the entry rules and process here!

Apply Here