GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY for our SUPER PARTY!! SUPER fun people! SUPER fun night! DO NOT MISS IT!! We're looking forward to a really fun night this Saturday, Feb. 3rd. The Super Party is a great way to get to know crew parents and set the stage for a fun season. We encourage everyone to attend. Please contact Jeanne Johnson to purchase tickets or you can buy them on line. See link below. We still are in need of the following VOLUNTEERS for the party: Someone to make a football pool! 2 football pool sellers Check in from 10 - 11 1 party helper 10 - 11 1 person clean-up 11:00 - 11:45. More appetizers VOLUNTEER: go/5080e48aba82aa1fd0- ridgewood TICKETS: https:// ridgewoodcrewsuperparty2018. CAPTAIN PRACTICES Early Morning Captain Practices – Not mandatory but suggested Monday , Wednesday and Friday mornings. Starting this week 5:45am to 6:30am. Meet at the High School weight room. CREW APPAREL Ridgewood Crew Apparel available now!! Orders due by Friday, Feb. 9th Delivery by late March To order, please use the order form attached below. "Boathouse Jacket" "RC Headsweat Visor" "Unisuit" "Long Sleeve Tech Shirt" Ridgewood Crew will also be launching an “Online Fan Gear Store” in the coming weeks. HOWEVER, in the upcoming store the items listed above will NOT BE AVAILABLE because they are from different vendors. Ridgewood Crew App order form2018.pdf Download File EASTER BREAK SCHEDULE The Easter break schedule will be as follows for mandatory practice. The only day off will be Easter Sunday. Thursday March 29 - times/ location TBD. Friday March 30 - times/location TBD Saturday March 3 - times/location TBD Sunday April 1 - no practice. As soon as the spring schedule is finalized, the times and location for training will be updated. Practices will be held at PRAA or the high school. This will be last weekend of training before we begin our spring racing season with our first regatta on Sunday April 8 in Philadelphia. Please be aware that only excused absences such as illness or family emergency or those listed in rower contract will be accepted. RIDGEWOOD CREW BOARD of DIRECTORS Boris Roque - Head Coach:
[email protected] Rocco Orlando - President:
[email protected] Kelly Aherne - Secretary:
[email protected] Ann Hida - VP Administration:
[email protected] Katie Vogt-Saladucha - VP Administration:
[email protected] Charles Carmona & Mercedes Martinez - VP Fundraising
[email protected] Vickey Walton Roth - VP Communications:
[email protected] Joe O'Keefe - VP Equipment & Logistics:
[email protected] Jeff Johnson - VP Finance:
[email protected] Judy Wong - VP Transportation:
[email protected] Jeanne Johnson - VP Marketing:
[email protected] Elisa Rivero & Lisa Williamson- Tent Coordinators:
[email protected] Please visit our website at