
Guide to Current Energy Cycle 6-10-21


Cyclic Information:

Hummingbirds.  Wow, well, Linda and I both have had some amazing experiences with Hummingbirds.  For me, they often like to fly up in front of my face to clue me in to portal eminations.  They like to hang out near water way power spots.  Growing up, we called them tocha… Flower Eagle.

When I heard the stories of Buddhist monks that could slow the rate of their breathing and heart rate to the point of appearing dead in their meditations, I could equate that to hummingbird who enters a type of stasis during the cold desert nights.


color & connect!

It's been a rough couple of weeks for Linda and I.  Since I last wrote we have had our beautiful Shadow Bear (dog and companion of 12 years) cross, along with several elders around the world.  Emergency situations have necessitated our focused attention in addition for several others.  Community members who have fallen in love with the pace of life during COVID, yet have to return to chaotic office situations… All and all, a busy time for those who live their lives in service with prayer and ritual.  That being said, we know we would not have made it to this time without the beautiful support of our SpiralDancers and Community. 

In gratitude, I'd like to share the beauty of the Hummingbird's medicine, to share our little friend's story, as I heard it from my cousin Lincoln Moves by Night, so many years ago, under the colorful mists of Hummingbird Falls.  I hope you enjoy my rendition.


Pull Out Practice:
Daily Affirmations that bring Balance

Instructions: When I was a kid we started our day with an affirmation to the Sun, and closed in the evening with a statement to the Moon.  In this way, we found balance between our masculine and feminine energies… and the Ancestors swept our path free of obstacles.  I invite you to join me.



I speak of the HeartFire which assists others in lightening themselves, raising the frequency of their vibrations, and dispelling illusions.  I carry great power.  I am subtle at first glance.  The world can be assured that I am highly effective, regardless of how powerfully others may be able to experience the manifestation to succeed.  I teach them to do this often.  Their prayers are answered.  This then is my gift to the world in this cycle.  I am a Guardian.


earth spirit photography - linda yraceburu

Evening… joy

And so it is… I am aware that the process involved in self-actualization is often subtle, and always personal.  I see through the deceptions that tempt, and create opportunities to take a deeper look at my values and to become more connected to Spirit quickly, for this is an energy of awakening.

And so ends my good day.

Join Me over coffee for Morning Prayers at our Facebook Group:
EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web >>


Here upon Mother Earth – a dynamic force creates weather, erodes the shifting apathy and writes future history – human emotion creates change – a new ocean is born.  The main features have set the world in motion.  The powerful force – only a sixth of what it will one day be – is great enough to grasp and contain the love of the universe.  As a result, we call water, live by weather, and listen to messages in the wind.


"And finally to the Rainbow, Creator said, "They must have harmony to keep moving in constant fluctuation with the nurturing energy of Changing Mother.  You are the symbol of hope, underlying love, and balance.  Through you, they will root their faith in the future." – Apache Creation Story. Legends & Prophecies of the Quero Apache, Bear & Co, 2002


Last thing: On this evening I offer a prayer on behalf of all of humanity: tocha… Flower Eagle… this time leads us to the Sacred Law that completes Self, in order that Complete Self may exist.  daaiina… and so it is.
                                                    diyi dihyu… Power Up! – shima


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Earth Healing People: Cyclic Questions to Ask Ourselves

  1. I take time right now to look at my definitions of responsibility, integrity and stability.
  2. What do I do when I just can't get things to work?
  3. Do I fill my life with tension and conflict by saying year, when the action is not within my power to accomplish?
  4. In my actions do I ask myself first: Do I really want to do this?  Does it affirm life?  Do I really have the resources (time, energy, finances) to be able to fulfill my commitment?

w/LaVonne Butler 1993


Sandpainting: Snake Guardians


Oak Creek Canyon