
I have never done a message like this but I truly believe we are at a crucial point in this fight. The majority have been falsely put at ease while the powers that be have not stopped their plans for total power and control.  The mandates. The restrictions. The pain. The suffering.  They intend on brining it ALL back.

(As of today the return of mask mandates has been announced in virtually every province, many U.S. States and E.U. nations.)

Only this time, they want to add record inflation, the introduction of digital ID, and a massive attack on the food supply as well as our remaining rights and freedoms under the guise of "climate change." We are FORCING them to try and rush their plans due to our resistance. This exposes them and helps our cause. Our corrupt elected officials and appointed public health officials are seeing "phase 3 of United Non Compliance" beginning. "Holding them accountable."  This is causing massive waves and even people like Dr Fauci have announced their resignations! Trudeau is now being investigated for his use of the emergency act by our own.


The commission has contacted me for my testimony at great risk to my personal safety, yet it also provides an opportunity I could not ignore!  However, our problem is GLOBAL.  I believe it is essential to spread our message and unite the people far beyond Canada's borders.  I have been invited to multiple foreign countries for an invaluable JUST SAY NO tour, right as The World needs it most. Due to the relentless political targeting and censorship against me, live, in person, events are the most powerful way to unite millions of people.   This email is also my only means of reaching out for support from my community as I have been banned off most social media.  If my 2+ years of non stop fighting, 20 arrests, and the idea of a global tour to end this nightmare once and for all mean something to you, I appeal to you now for your support so this vital tour and our plans for freedom can finally be realized.  You are not helpless! You can be confident that your donation is making a difference.  Without you, I couldnt do what I do. 

Thank you all for your support, God bless every one of you. I promise I will never stop, never give up... and never let them win.


Donation options:
Canada: Etransfer: [email protected]

For USA/canadian residents personal cheque to:

chris saccoccia

suite #9 - 3300 Steeles ave west

concord, ontario L4K2Y4

CRYPTO Donation wallets






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