
Houston Young Professionals Proudly Support #AnotherGoodHuman

Because having a positive Social Impact & a Sustainable Environment matters to all of us


At Houston Young Professionals, the good of a sustainable living environment and positive social impact means a lot to us!  Recently, we discovered an entire generation of 17, 18, 19 and 20 year olds standing behind Another Good Human (www.AnotherGoodHuman.com) and their movement to share your positive stories on TikTok and social media.

The Founder, Austin Thomas Huang, is one of our young college leaders in Austin, Texas attending the University of Texas at Austin.  Besides catching tremendous buzz with over 400,000 views on TikTok, Another Good Human has received recognition also from publications such as The Daily Texans, FBCA Alumni Magazine and recently they launched their Kickstarter Campaign and within 3 days they've already received 60% of their funding.

Come learn about how #AnotherGoodHuman is making a positive impact in our world today in the areas of Social Impact and Sustainability.  Afterwards, share your own story about doing good and making a positive impact!



At Another Good Human, we are continually inspired by the reality that there is a wonderful, beautiful story within each and every single one of us. Over the course of developing this movement, we came to realize that goodness is a collective goal which can only be achieved through a deeper, more personal connection to our stories. No matter what you aspire to do or become, your good story, i.e. the life that you're living right now, is currently inspiring others in more ways than you could ever imagine.

In short, our mission at Another Good Human is to make your good story known about positive social impact and sustainability thought-leadership. We desire to create a kind of platform through which we can empower your actions, deeds, passions, and dreams to inspire this world into becoming a better place. Isn't that what we all want? To make a difference and change the world for the better!

To fully achieve this mission of empowering a collection of good stories from around the globe, there must first exist a way for us to share them with our community. Rather than operating like any other business that just wants you in and out as fast as possible, we choose to take our time in welcoming you to our community. We believe the only way for the #BeAnotherGoodHuman movement to grow properly is to care deeply about each of our members.


Your good stories about social impact and environmental sustainability are incredibly valuable to us, as they virtually justify the existence of our entire movement. Therefore, even if you are unable to support us monetarily right now, you are and always will be welcome to join our community of good humans from all over the world! To sign up and share your good story, visit our website, www.anothergoodhuman.com.


Social Impact & Sustainability Leadership Roundtable
Meet The Founder of #AnotherGoodHuman

Because having a positive Social Impact & a Sustainable Environment matters to all of us

Date: Friday, April 9 2021

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm (Central Time Zone)

Click Here to RSVP on Line

Austin Huang, Founder at Another Good Human (#AnotherGoodHuman)


Please support online at www.AnotherGoodHuman.com -or- donate via Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/anothergoodhuman/the-humani-tee-bring-your-good-story-to-life

Agenda for Online Attendees
1:30 PM - 1:35 PM Sign-In to Online Meeting & Peers Networking
1:35 PM - 1:40 PM Welcome, Ground Rules & Speaker's Introduction
1:40 PM - 2:00 PM Industry Update Presentation & Roundtable Discussion
2:00 PM - Wrap Up, Closing & Session Ends
**Attendees are encouraged to help support the current Kickstarter Campaign **

REGISTRATION FORM: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehrdcwdf7c83865c&oseq=&c=&ch= 

You Are Invited!
Join Us:  Are you interested in learning more about how your personal impact on both our community and the environment.  Come learn about how #AnotherGoodHuman is making a positive impact in our world today.  You are welcome to attend an join this roundtable discussion and share your insights and positive stories.

Attendees Overview
Community leaders, business leaders and processionals who care about the society and the environment.