
December 12, 2016

Exactly one year ago we opened the doors of The Gateway Cafe and invited the community to come on in. We were both excited and scared to death. It was literally like standing on the edge of a cliff clinging to a hang glider.

Our part was to jump. God's part was to provide the wind. And together we would soar into this new adventure. And though we are not breaking any soaring records, we haven't hit the ground! Praise God!! He has truly been faithful to carry us along.

According to a study by Ohio State University only 40% of new restaurants survive the first year. By the grace of God we have overcome the first year hurdle! Thanks for being part of the "lift" that got us here.

The same OSU study discovered that only 20% of restaurants make it over the five year mark. That's not real encouraging, but it does serve as a reminder of how tough the restaurant business can be and why we need to continually rely upon God's wisdom and grace to build a cafe that is rooted in principles and practices that will lead us toward success. And I believe our first year is a testament to that end.

A truth statement I have lived by is this: "If you aim for nothing you'll hit it every time." Anyone can hit nothing. But we're not aiming for "nothing." Our target is clear and it reminds us of why we are in business at The Gateway Cafe.

Our target is described in our mission goals:

  • Caring Atmosphere: We aim to create an atmosphere where our guests will be cared for by a friendly and hospitable staff.
  • Amazing Products: We aim to serve products that will reach the status of "amazing."
  • Faithful Witness: We aim to represent God well and be faithful servants who show His love to others.
  • Excellent Service: We aim to provide excellent service to our guests.

We are still learning how to aim and hit the mark. However, I'm grateful for the growth and success we have already experienced.

So on behalf of the Gateway staff, thanks for your support and patronage that helped us reach our first year in business.

Finally, please read below about our Anniversary Week Celebration from December 12-17, 2016. We especially invite you to stop by on Saturday at 11:30am as we officially recognize our one year anniversary. Your attendance will mean the world to us!

Greg Mayo, Pastor & President


Your support toward our Round-Up recipients continues to be nothing short of amazing. The mon​th of November generated over $2,500 to support Jon and Jessica Stepp. They are true warriors who are fighting the good fight each and every day against ovarian cancer. Thanks for standing with them in the fight.


Having a special event during the holidays? If so, please consider The Gateway Cafe for your catering needs. We provide a wide variety of options and specialize in customized menu offerings. Call us today to discuss your needs.