The Monthly Spiritual Circle

May topic: Spirit guides, Angels & Loved ones

Monday May 14th:  6.30pm to 8.00pm - FREE

2103 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, CO

Limited space, registration is required through email. SIGN UP:  [email protected]


About this Meetup

What is a spirit guide? A spirit guide is someone, who briefly, or for a longer period of time, joins us on our journey through life. These wise beings can come in many different shapes and forms, but they all share one objective, and that is to help us through different life events. They follow you closely, or from a distance, depending on your personal development or stated agreements before you entered this life. Their affection is limitless, even when you seem to do everything wrong, they will patiently help you back on track without ever saying, “Didn’t I tell you?”, even though they actually did. Spirit guides are our invisible friends, who care about and love us unconditionally. Join us this evening as we discuss some of the most common spirit helpers and how they can appear to you.

About the Spiritual Circle

Meetup the 2nd Monday each Month
6.30pm to 8.00pm - FREE

2103 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, CO


Discussion group of various topics within the field of psychic development, the spirit realm, soul-exploration, mediumship, spirit guides and much more. The spiritual circle is created for those interested in discussing and elevating their minds on a wide range of subjects related to spiritual growth and soul awareness. Each gathering is hosted by Christine & David with a specific monthly topic.

Come and meet like-minded people and share your views and experiences. Tea and light snacks will be provided. Welcome!

Registration is needed to hold your spot. RSVP through email: [email protected]

More about upcoming topics and gatherings, go to "2018 MEETUPS" here!





Exploring Trance Mediumship

Shining Lotus Bookstore

Sunday May 6th


 Channeling is the communication with the non-physical realms, such as with spirit guides, angels or other light beings and entities. It is facilitated by a trained trance medium, who may channel in full trance or in a meditative state. Channeling is a sixth sense skill often practiced in the fields of psychic research and spirit mediumship. It is a process of allowing the mind to enter a trance-like state which then opens for non-physical beings, such as spirit guides or ascended beings, to speak and interact with those present.

Join us as investigate trance mediumship and share information about how we work with the spirit realm and what spirit guides we communicate with.

No registration needed!


Past Life Regression

May 23rd / Mountain Time


On May 23rd, I will be joining Jennifer Lonnberg known as the 'Christian Psychic' for this free webinar about past life regression, karma and reincarnation. 

Past life regression opens a window to your history, providing a full-sensory experience and understanding of relationships and life patterns. This soul-exploration allows you travel to places and environments where you have lived before, you experience events that affect your current life and you meet loved ones from different times and lives. Join us for this exciting event as we discuss:
* What is / isn't regression therapy
* The meaning of soul memories & Deja vu
* How to identify & balance karma

Sign up through Eventbrite


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