
Gear News

March Gear News!

Welcome to the Arrowhead Equipment Gear News, our semi-monthly newsletter about all the gear and going ons at AHE. 

First days of spring!

Spring is in full swing across much of the country and that means it's time to get out for some camping trips.  


Here are a few things to consider about spring hammock camping. 

Remember that the nights can still get cool in the mountains. Go prepared with enough layers, proper hammock insulation and a quality tarp to shed any early season moisture.  

Trees are just starting to grow for the season.  Be sure to protect them with wide tree straps so that you don't compress the growth layers.  

Eat plenty of calories to help keep you warn though the night.  A good balance of fats, sugars, and protein is better than just something sweet. 

Starting a fire can be difficult with wet wood. Practice up on your fire starting skills with one of our Fire Kits, just what you need to practice your fire making skills. 

Fire Kit



Planning a thru or Section Hike this year? 

Arrowhead Equipment is happy to ship gear to you on the trail!  We have always supported long distance hikers with General Delivery gear shipments.  Whether you need to replace a worn pice of gear or need to upgrade AHE has you covered.  

Most order typically ship within 24 hours. 

Don't forget that you can talk direct with us about our gear, how to hang, places to visit in Idaho, your favorite color...really just about anything via Live Chat right on the Arrowhead-Equipment.com home page.


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Sap Sack


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We have added Double ended hammock size stuff sacks to the line up as well as 3 new colors to our popular Sap Sacks. 

Gear Up!

Also new this month are out new thermal printed product labels.  We have spent a lot of time recently working to find a quality label that holds up to use and meets our quality standards.  Woven and embroidered labels just don't t cut it. After a long search we found just what we wanted. The thermal print process gives us full color, waterproof, great color, UV resistance and we think they turned out awesome. You will start seeing these new labels on gear this month. 

What do you think?


   Owyhee      V.  White Cloud


Since Releasing out second top quilt the beginning of this year we have gotten a number of folks wanting us to compare the two designs.  Here are the detail highlights to help you chose which is the right top quilt for you.  


Owyhee has a 1/3rd length taper

The foot box if formed by omni tape velcro that closes the quilt around your lower legs

To vent loosen the foot draw cord

Can be laid flat like a blanket on warm nights

White Cloud

The White Cloud has a 2/3rd length taper

The foot box is sewn together internally to form a pocket for the lower legs

To vent take your legs out of the quilt

Closed around the legs to be warmer for cool nights

Pack size, weight, widths, color options, and insulation options are equal between both quilts. 

Check out both in the KAQ section​ of the store.

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Red Bandit Hammock Hang

& Fly Fishing Trip


For the past few years early in the spring I have hosted a small group of fishermen on a trip to a small and very unique desert stream.  This stream is small but it contains a unique strain of wild rainbow trout.  We have hiked into the stream and fished for several hours, catching dozens upon dozens of fish each.  This year I am inviting any hammock camping fly fishing junkies to join...

More Details and sign up to join us are on our Hammock Hangs Page.


AHE Proudly makes our products in the USA.  All sewn and spliced items are manufactured here in our shop in Southern Idaho.  We source as many components to our gear from USA manufacturers including all of our fabrics and insulations. In ordering from us you are supporting numerous American Businesses involved in the                                                     production of your gear.

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