
Second Sunday of Lent: February 25

  • 9:15 am  Adult Sunday School Class:
    • The Art of Creative Worship
    • Please note: Alpha class CANCELED for this Sunday.
  • 9:15 am Preschool - High School Sunday school classes.  Nursery available.
  • 10:30 am:
    • Pastor Tom will be preaching out of John 6:16-21: "It Was Dark"


Passing the Peace

For the 6 Sundays in the season of Lent, during the mutual greeting time, we would like to experiment with something new: "The passing of the peace."  The link below provides a helpful background to the practice.  Here's a summary: "Today in many congregations we may pass the peace...At these times we leave the comfort of our seat, turn to our neighbors, grasp their hands, and speak the words, "The peace of the Lord be with you" and receive the words in turn, "And also with you."  The gesture is simple, but the meaning is profound.  When we extend our hand to another, we identify with Jesus, who extended his life to the point of death to make peace with humanity (Col. 1:20-21)

Reformed Worship | Passing the Peace

We look forward to exploring & hopefully being shaped by this practice together!

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