Brad Rathgeber

The election is upon us. Students increasingly want to be part of the conversation and should be. As educators, we would be remiss to avoid conversations and use this "teachable moment" effectively. So that's our focus this week at One Schoolhouse: creating safe spaces and cultivating communities of care as we all process the results of the election. 

Take the poll, read our Instructional Designer for Equity, Inclusive Innovation, and Accessibility's blog post, and join fellow academic leaders for a post election day discussion. 

And, VOTE!


It's incumbent on us, as educators, to give our students a safe space to reflect and share–no matter the outcome. 

Question of the week: What post-election programming have you planned?

Taking the Pulse: Flash Survey
Tracie Yorke

Cultivating Communities of Care Online

As One Schoolhouse’s new instructional designer with a focus on equity, inclusive innovation and accessibility, this question has been at the forefront of my mind: How do we support students’ sense of belonging and inclusion during these challenging times? Maybe you’ve been thinking about this too. The twin pandemics--the coronavirus health crisis, and racial inequity underscored by acts of brutality and violence--have left us all unsettled, and worried about the resilience of our school communities. Now, with the US 2020 election upon us, the contentious nature of our national political discourse further threatens to bring division and incivility into our learning spaces. 

At the same time that we try to keep students engaged in the academics of learning, we know that their healthy social and emotional well-being is paramount at this time. We need them to know that their learning spaces are communities of care where they can find support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. We want to reassure them that they are safe when they are with us and that we will do everything in our power to protect them.  Read more


We've changed the format of this week's Academic Leaders Webinar. Join us on Wednesday, November 4 at 12noon ET, for a forum-style discussion for Academic Leaders to come together after the election to share their thoughts and plans for post-election programs. Register here!


We are thrilled to welcome ​Friends Select School​, Philadelphia, PA, and The Bishop's School, La Jolla, CA, to our consortium. Two-hundred and thirty schools and counting!
