
Mother's Day

Sunday, May 12

  • 9:15 am: Education classes for all ages! Current adult class:
    • "Living out our Faith"  Come hear from teachers in our congregation who are living out their faith in their schools.
  • 10:30 am Worship:  Pastor Mark will preach from Psalm 90 "Dwelling Place"
    • Communion Sunday
    • Second offering will be for World Renew's efforts helping flood victims in Nebraska.  Give Online.

Second Offering: to Aid Families Affected by Flooding in Nebraska

 In April, a “bomb cyclone” brought heavy rain and a quick thaw to Nebraska. Some estimates indicate that fifty percent of Nebraskans whose homes, businesses, crops, and livestock were in the path of the flooded Missouri River will not recover. World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) is helping homeowners get back on their feet.

                One couple needs to have their entire house torn down because the flood damage is so bad. The husband is disabled and walks with a walker. They clearly cannot live in their home so will need to find someplace else to go.

                There is another family whose home was flooded up to the ceiling. The sewage is now backed up, making the damage worse. The porch washed away from the mobile home, and it is now almost inaccessible since the stairs are gone and the trailer is several feet off the ground.

                These are just two of the thousands of new realities that people in Nebraska are facing.

                “There are more than a thousand homes that still need to be mucked out,” said Ben Dykstra, volunteer Regional Manager for World Renew DRS. “What we have seen is devastation—just devastation—whole neighborhoods were underwater.”

                Partnering with World Renew DRS we can make sure flood survivors in Nebraska do NOT fall through the cracks.


Safe & Secure Online Giving

Online giving is now available!

Here is the LINK to give online OR you can TEXT 84321 to make a donation.  For example, in the body of the text message, type "$5 to General Fund"

Congregational Meeting

June 2nd at 12:00 pm

At this meeting we will approve the budget and be electing a new shepherding elder (Scott Rockwell), a new administrative elder (David Pilon), a new service deacon (Sherry Feek) and a new administrative deacon (Katie Groeneveld or Eric Lamfers). All are warmly welcome to attend although, according to our bylaws, only professing members are allowed to vote. Packets will be in boxes on Sunday, May 19th.

TULIP: women's book group

Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie.  From the introduction, "Paul wrote that we are those 'on whom the end of the ages has come' (1 Cor. 10:11) and if that is true, we want to understand more about the end of the ages.  We want to see what the original garden has to show us about the more secure, more satisfying, and more glorious garden we're destined to live in forever, which will be even better than Eden."

Next chat will be June 11 at 11:30 am at Katherine's house. 

Bring a sack lunch!

Youth Announcement


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