
Dear ones,

What’s in your life right now that’s longing for some change?

Maybe it’s a habit that no longer serves you.

Maybe it’s a relationship that needs a shift.

Or maybe there’s something new you’d like to bring into your life.

In this week’s blog post: “What’s Longing for Change in Your Life? This color will help you make a shift” we continue our color journey with the color orange.


Orange is the color of change and transformation. It’s a color that helps us bring emotions to the surface that need to be cleared or released. 

Orange can bring support in transforming fear, loneliness, and depression. It helps to improve vitality and awaken creative energy.

An infusion of the red within the yellow, orange brings optimism, enthusiasm, courage, and determination. It’s the color of movement and change.

Consider what needs a change in your life at this time – either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.


Take a few moments and let orange work its magic for you. 

Hop on over to the blog.

May transformation be ours!


P.S. If you would like to explore the previous color journeys, you can find them below.

#1. Playing with Color to Feel Energized

#2. Bring Harmony into Your Life With an Exploration of this Color

#3. Give Yourself a Boost of Energy and Inspiration With this Color Exploration