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Ridgewood Crew Fees

3rd Fee Installment is now due, $900

You can mail or drop off to Jeff Johnson (325 Mastin Pl) or Ann Hida (373 Shelbourne Ter). Please note if the spring fees are not paid the rower will not be able to row in regattas.


Mandatory Parent meeting about Regattas on ThursdayMarch 14, 7:30 RHS campus center. We will be going over important information regarding the spring regattas. 

The Row-a-Thon is coming March 23rd!!!  Rowers please sign up for an Erg shift on Instateam

Dear Rowers,

Welcome to the Ridgewood Crew team family!  We are looking forward to an amazing 2019 season.

Please find below a copy of the letters and forms you will need to fundraise for the Row-A-Thon on March 23rd.  This is our biggest and most important fundraiser so it is vital for all rowers to be proactive in their fundraising efforts. Every rower is required to raise a minimum of $300. Remember the deadlines: 

* For Corporate Sponsor Logos and Artwork, the deadline is March 15th. Please submit Logos/Artwork in pdf format to: ridgewoodcrewfundraising@gmail.com

* For Individual & Corporate Monies, submit before or by the day of the event, March 23rd.  All checks should be payable to: Ridgewood Crew and delivered to Mrs. Carmona at 898 Hillcrest Rd., Ridgewood NJ 07450.  

If you decide to walk around your neighborhood, please read the Recommendation for the Rowers letter first.

Any questions, please feel free to contact Susana Carmona at 917-716-7919 or Mercedes Martinez 201-400-0501.

Thank you very much and have a great time.


Letter and forms

Boat Sponsorship Campaign .pdf
Corporate Sponsor Letter.pdf
Individual Sponsor Letter.pdf
Individual Sponsor Form .pdf
Corporate Sponsor Form copy.pdf
2019 Row-A-Thon Corporate Flyer (2).pdf
2019 Row-A-Thon Rowers Flyer.pdf

The Crew Online Store is now open!

Shop until Thursday, March 14th for the best selection of

Ridgewood Crew apparel and gifts.  See flyer below.


Spring Store Advertisement.jpg

We need your photos!

Upload your Photos/Videos to the Ridgewood Crew Photo Albums. If you have photos from the Head of the Passaic Regatta please add them here (instructions are at the bottom of the page). 



Please visit our website at ridgewoodcrew.com