
An update designed and manufactured by student members of Eagle Robotics.


Thank you so much to all of our parents and sponsors for supporting us this season!


League Meet 2 Recap

Team 7373 Carbon Fiber

The second league meet was an overall success for the team, as they worked to persevere through their matches and overcome obstacles. Although the team suffered minor technical difficulties and limited team members, the mechanical components performed well. The team won four matches and maintained their first place standing by the end of the day. The team continues to create new changes and developments to their robot and hopes to compete at a higher level at league meet three. 


Team 11364 Diamond Plate

After the first league meet, Team 11364 recognized a flaw in their match play. The team’s arm was a weakness, as its position made it easy to break. Once the members realized this, they began working to fix the issue. This was accomplished by increasing the size of the arm’s base so that it will be more stable. Minor adjustments like this one have allowed the team’s robot to continue improving, and the team is excited to compete with it at the next meet. 


Robot Update

Team 7373 Carbon Fiber

Team 7373 has radically redesigned the robot since meet two in preparation for the upcoming meet on December 5th. Changes include an improved intake, a new shooter, and several programming developments for a better autonomous. The new shooter features a  high rpm motor that can reach 6,000 revolutions per minute, while the new shooter system allows the robot to precisely launch the rings into the upper goal from the opposite side of the field.


Team 11364 Diamond Plate

Team 11364’s robot has several functions. It consists of a base, an arm, and a grabbing device. At meets, it competes by using an autonomous program to score points, followed by a tele-op program, in which the drivers move wobble goals across the field, place rings into the lower goal, and balance rings on the surface of select wobble goals.


Upcoming Events

Meet #3

The next meet for the Eagle Robotics teams will be held on December 5th at Cartersville High School. The event will run from 8:00am to 2:00pm, with matches starting at 10:30am. The teams are excited to have the chance to compete again in the Ultimate Goal season!

Miss an update? All newsletters for the 2020-21 season are archived here

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