Falling Leaves.

Trisha Findlay - Studio News

Hello and welcome.

I think this is a good time of the year to start a review and consider what has happened and what might happen next year.  I started my review by looking at some of my work from the last few years. 


A Broken Window.

This piece was completed on a blanket after a young man smashed one of our front windows in the middle of the night. I was furious and felt violated for quite some time.


It's a Mystery.

At the same time I completed a series of works on blankets about my grandchildren.  My granddaughter was watching a TV programme about a detective and was right into mysteries - hence the code and the footsteps.


It was shortly after this that I started working in black and white.  Some 12" x 12" and some almost 40" square.  The smaller ones I attached to pre-stretched canvases and the larger ones I finished as quilts with a hanging sleeve.

This piece was accepted for the Nelson Contemporary Textiles Exhibition this year.

In July this year I went to Ballarat, Australia for 5 days as the artist in residence at the Fibre Arts Winter School run by Glenys Mann.  This was a wonderful experience.


Lake Ferry. 2016 (6" X 4")


Masterton Winter . 2016. (6" X 4")

Now I am thinking about next year and what I want to achieve.  

My residency in Ballarat was this year's highlight.  I have also been a part of Lisa Call's Master Class 2016 which has been most valuable.  I have learned so much about running an "art business" and have also met a most awesome group of artists from all over the world.  Towards the end of this year I started volunteering and exhibiting at "Heart of Arts" in Carterton.  And I sold two pieces of work. This is a small community gallery with a coordinator and committed group of volunteers.  I guess really all these things have been highlights in their own way and without one I couldn't have down the others.

Hopefully by 1 February 2017 I will have my plan for the year sorted and will be able to share it in my next "Falling Leaves".