Services Training Podcast

From our Team 

Changes to COVID-19 Vaccination Record Requirements

​Be sure to see the July 27th provider alert from SOQ regarding changes to the COVID-19 vaccination record requirements. Moving forward, licensees and caregivers are no longer required to receive COVID-19 vaccinations or maintain proof of COVID-19 vaccinations. Additionally, licensing will no longer be verifying these records.

Multnomah County Adult Care Home Conference: September 25th at OMSI


If you're in Multnomah County, please join us at the Multnomah County Conference on September 25th. We will be leading a session titled Becoming an Employer of Choice: How to attract and retain care staff. The conference includes other business topics on marketing 101, managing compliance on a digital platform, and a presentation on wage and hour laws by BOLI.

If you're in Multnomah County, click the button below to register, or view the full schedule​. 

register now

Tip of the Week - Emergency Supplies


Having emergency supplies of food and water is not just a wise decision, it is also required by Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) and Multnomah Co. Administrative Rule (MCAR).

While Rule requires provisions and supplies be sufficient to shelter in place for a minimum of three days without electricity or running water, emergency professionals recommend having a minimum of two weeks' worth of emergency supplies at all times. This includes food, water, sanitary supplies, and first aid supplies. 

Emergency food and water supply

We recommend keeping emergency supplies in an easily-accessible location and keeping them in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. We also suggest keeping the food in a hard-sided storage container, as this makes the supplies easy to move and stack when not in use. You can also find storage containers with wheels for easy transport. 

Rotate your inventory

Check your food and perishable items for the expiration. Do a more thorough inspection and maintain inventory at least on a yearly basis. Remember to restock as you rotate your supplies.

Have a written inventory of emergency supplies

Adjust your inventory list as you rotate stock. This will help with organization and quick access if you need to use the supplies. 

While it may be a little extra work, this will keep you on track to be prepared in case of an emergency, and this will provide you, your staff, and the residents with peace of mind in knowing you are prepared in the event of an emergency

Pre-Service Dementia


Did you know our Pre-Service Dementia Training is DHS-approved, self-paced, and only a 2.5 - 3 hour time commitment?

​​All staff working in APD-licensed adult foster care homes must take Pre-Service Dementia Training, and we designed our on-demand training specifically for adult foster care home staff.

Our training is self-paced and flexible, and the registration process is easy.

Simply click on the link below to register and start the course.

Register for Pre-Service Dementia training

Individual Option EQC Course


Our Individual Option EQC Course is flexible and available at any time. We offer both EQC Essentials only and the complete EQC course. Follow the steps below. After you attend the interest/preparation session, you will receive the link to register for the course:

Step #2: Register for one of our upcoming EQC preparation sessions:​​​

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone (1847-1922)

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