
A view of the
Eagle-Condor Prophecy

Condor Crossing Full Moon • March 7, 2023

In YEWr Lunar Ritual, How stories speak to life action. Plus, "Come! You are Welcome!" to a New Life Blessing , water harvest
and the original myth


Growing up,

all things began with a story.  How many times, how many ways, have you heard… "in the beginning."  Even I've used the phrase a few times.  All of our cyclic ceremonial attributes restart us anew… in the beginning… again.  The Condor Energy of March is no different as the Spring Equinox is within it's dominion of ritual actions. 

So, about a week ago, I began making our ritual offering.

And, at the Ranch, we prepare for new growth… as the materials for the new barn arrived.

Please consider being apart of our Global Commmunity by attending events found here.


So today we look at the story of Wind and Thunder, or Lightning if you like.  I've heard it told both ways.  The significance of the Thunder is that Condor once lived in our part of the world, and I was taught Condor was Thunder, and how the Children of Thunder were kin to the Children of Eagle (Chiricahua Apache). 

And so our story…

  • of working with those who walk the path of the Inka also took root, and a prophecy was fulfilled.
  • The original myth has it that there was an argument between Wind and Thunder over who was most important and the things they could do.  
  • So one went north and one went south.  In many ways the pattern of this story is similar to when Child of Water and Killer of Enemies are sent to the opposite ends of the Earth to drum and create spin… to stabilize the Earth.
  • We sing the Directional Song and Close the Roads to our ceremonial grounds down by the creek in the Fairy Grotto with cornmeal
  • The 7 Worlds Stomp takes place to awaken our memories of past, present and future
  • Yang-ai! Dagote! "Come! You are Welcome!" to a New Life Blessing rings through the air.

Song of Joy


The moment of haquini comes… Life is now more than just new ideas and information. It is about realizing you have stepped over a threshold of time and space. It contains messages that opened the door to a whole new dimension of communication and life - the Fifth World Coming Together. In fact, the truth is even stranger than fiction.

Now what you may not understand


is that when Wind and Thunder are separated, Mother Earth suffers alternating floods and droughts. Grandfather Sun was called upon to mediate, and they agreed to try once more.  Thunder (Condor) called to the Four Mountain Spirits and told them that whenever Mother trembled they should call the Children of the Four Directions together. Wind (Eagle) carried the message out to the people, to do the ceremonies at the Water when the Equinoxes would put the world right again. 

And so it is


that we do our water harvest and children's blessing at the Equinoxes of each year.

Go to a place of live water and take a jar, cornmeal, a drum, and a crystal with you.  When you get there…

  • lay the crystal on the ground
  • draw a circle of cornmeal around it
  • drum and chant your heart of joy
  • when you feel complete gather a small (2-8 oz) of water.  Take this home to start seedlings that will go in the ground around the 10th of April.
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Both of these magnificent birds have taught me that in times of chaos to stay within the air currents (the thoughts of the Mother), and flow, soaring above the mundane, diving into the physical plain when necessary, but not lingering more than need be.  In this there is also the question, of how do we know when it is necessary?  To answer this, they taught me the practice of noninterference… only involving myself when I am asked to do so by another.  A doorway… portal… opens that allows for the multidimensional work in this way that we do as Earth Guardians… akicita'ni.


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