located at 308, east main street, melrose, mn


New members get 2 months for the price of one. This includes all yoga classes online & in studio. Contact Anne to sign up today. 320-290-3312




As I work on this aging process, I realize the importance of
mobility and balance. I really appreciate yoga! yoga helps keep me strong and able to enjoy fishing and hunting!   


Gentle yoga is kind and so beneficial; no pressure, just reap the rewards! Yoga is quick and easy, use the stretches anytime.


I grew up on a dairy farm south of Freeport, attended Sacred Heart, then Melrose High. After 63 years I am back and living happily in Freeport! I really love gardening, baking, but passionate about sewing.

How long has Anne Hoeschen been excited about yoga? I was one of her original students. (nearly 20 years)


Escape the doldrums of winter and immerse yourself in a peaceful sound bath to restore and rejuvenate.

Sounds baths are an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and gain perspective on what’s going on within your body and mind. The soothing sounds and vibrations of our crystal singing bowls, chimes, drum and gong, allow your brain waves to slow, shifting from an active state to a resting state, which down-regulates the nervous system, lowers your blood pressure, and allows for healing. You feel the physical and mental benefits of this experience immediately.

Comfort is key. Dress in layers. Mats, bolsters, blankets will be available to borrow, but you are welcome to bring your comfort items (eye pillow, sleeping bag, etc.). The sound bath can be experienced either seated or lying down.  

Sound Bath Leaders:
Paula Keck, 500RYT Yoga Instructor & Certified Sound Bath Practitioner
Lila Marquart, Reiki Master & Certified Sound Bath Practitioner
Cost: $25 Class Min: 6, Class Max: 15


Registration is confirmed with payment to Paula. Please call/text her for at (320)249-9595 for registration and select payment option.

Venmo Payment: @Paula-Keck-2

Mail checks to: Paula Keck, 1191 Cranberry St., Albany MN 56307


SCULPT - 5:30pm with Amy Van Beck​, 320-290-8801 to sign up

1ST TIMER'S YOGA - January 9.16, 23, 30. 6:30-7pm Registration Required at 320-290-3312


MODIFIED ASHTANGA YOGA - 5:30am with Anne & Amy​​


GENTLE YOGA - 9:30am with Amy T.

GENTLE YOGA - 6pm with Anne H.


ALL-LEVEL YOGA - 5:30am with Amy T.​


RESTORE & RESTOCK - 6pm 1st Friday of the month, all proceeds go to Melrose Food Shelf


ALL-LEVEL YOGA - 7am with various teachers

GENTLE YOGA - 9am on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturdays

DUTCHMIGHT YOGA for kids - 9am on 1st Saturday (free will offering)


ALL-LEVEL YIN YOGA - 4pm with Anne H.

CLEARING THE AIR - 1-3pm December 4th with Lila Marquart,(registration required at 320-290-3312) $20.

SOMA YOGA & CHAKRA BATH - 6-7:45pm December 11 with Paula Keck (registration required at 320-249-9595) $25.


Ashley is looking for three to four women ready to train with her starting in March. It will be in a fun, small-group setting with other women where we prioritize progressive, functional strength training accessible enough for beginners and effective enough for intermediate lifters.

Contact Ashley for more information at [email protected]


Amy continues to teach Sculpt and Bootcamp weekly. Text Amy at 320-290-8801​, email [email protected], or Facebook message Lifestyle Wellness LLC​ to register today.

Our Message to You