In this lunar cycle, Mother helps us… tap the Power of determination and purposeful movement; Pre-designated change; Choreographic flow of energy; Intuition is the spiritual energy always available to activate teaching and serving… Will is the energy that programs living.
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First Penseh of Time: nohwika’yé bike’e… Following Ancestors Tracks (November - February) is comprised solely of past energy; akin to memory; victimization is the catalyst to learn to live hozhoni naslee… beauty everywhere.
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Condor Pleiadian Star Shima… No Shadow can be seen. We’ve chosen the Dragon’s Pearl and become stable, whole and happy, in balance with All That Is.
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- Rattle the space where you will place your crystal grid, 3x in a clockwise circular motion.
- Print and layout the map for this cycle
- Choose enough stones to cover where I have stones placed on the grid, but do not place them yet.
- Smudge
Choose a stone and hold it. Feel the Ancestor's Power perfectly encircling and protecting. Voice your intent for being part of this work. Place the stone.
Feel the flow of energy between you and esonkñhsendehí… Changing Mother Earth. Feel yourself as the center of the web of life, all the threads emanating from you. Breath love to each of the stones on the map.
Read your lunar prayers.
Allow yourself to vision - Video / Audio / Story - Podcast Journey
When complete smudge your wheel and yourself, pick up your stones and your grid to close the energy off.
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Through the power of Earth we are given guidance to follow, and make our leap of faith. Our Ancestors sweep the path of trials.
In the this cycle we release all expectations of outcome, and we embrace the adventure of the unknown, traveling daily experiences as they present themselves for our higher good.
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Journal about your impressions during the meditation when you finish.
Picture all of us in circle with you doing the same thing before going into your visual.
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We pause for a review of deh saad beh… Words of Power and concepts of our old and venerable tradition. tlish diyan connects us to ancient power systems when properly engaged and utilized.
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