Pathways Rhythms

June 2022


June 18-25 is Pathways Retreat’s 3rd annual online silent auction​. Bidding begins at 8am on the 18th and ends at 4pm on June 25. This is a great opportunity to support Pathways by donating items, bidding, and sharing news of the auction with friends and family. If you’d like to donate an item, contact Linda by June 13.

July Sabbatical


Continuing its annual sabbatical rhythm, Pathways will take a break from leading prayers and offering indoor hospitality for the month of July. However, the land is always open! Please continue to come to Pathways throughout July…enjoy creation’s beauty.

Contemplative Practice of the Month: Acceptance

May the God of acceptance bless you, 

calling you always to look with love on your own being. 

May you know God's unconditional acceptance at each moment 

even as you question and search in the struggle for peace. 

May your acceptance of all God’s people free them for their search. 

May the God of acceptance be with you.

-Maxine Shonk


Iona Healing Prayer


2nd and 4th Mondays, Noon

June 13 and 27

Contemplative Sit

In person and online

Tuesdays, 8-8:30am

Lectio Divina

In person and online

Wednesdays, 8-8:30am

with optional conversation following prayer

Centering Prayer

In person and online

Thursdays, 8-8:30am

Creation Prayer

In person

Fridays, 8-8:45am

Pathways is on Facebook & Instagram

Like Pathways Retreat on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with announcements and events.


Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann