New Release Notification


Dear Friends:

Happy New Year!

We trust you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you are looking forward to a happy and prosperous 2019! (I know we are!)

The Shotwell Christmas elves stayed busy over the holidays, thus making it possible to start off the new year with some new titles!

First up is


Quite a subtitle, isn’t it? What’s it all about? Glad you asked. Here’s a description:


In this short work, Professor Wood has taken on an important and often distorted question—the role of slavery in bringing on the great bloodletting of 1861—1865. The old propaganda charge that the war was “caused by” slavery now dominates “expert” opinion with almost totalitarian rigour. But in his exhaustive research into this question—to be published as a three-volume Beyond Slavery—Dr. Wood will make a courageous refutation of that interpretation. He will show how the war became inevitable only because Northern society was infected by the revolutionary romantic nationalism that rocked Europe in the mid- 19th century. The South remained loyal to the old American dispensation of classical republicanism, and thus had to be eliminated. It was not the South’s defense of slavery but the dominant North’s determination to redefine America that made conflict “irrepressible.”
Wood reveals to us, chapter and verse, the real Founding Fathers and how they were distorted and falsified in the 19th century. 


We know you'll love this one!

Copies are now available at Amazon and most major online book retailers. The electronic edition is exclusive to Kindle. 

Mash (“Click”) below to get yours today!

Print Edition
Kindle Edition

Next up is a unique and interesting book though topically not strictly Southern, although the author certainly is!

UNDERSTANDING CREATION AND EVOLUTION was written by Howard Ray White, the co-founder of and director of operations for the Society of Independent Southern Historians (SISH).

The following description comes from the Foreword written by the other co-founder of the SISH (and Shotwell), Dr. Clyde Wilson:


It should be a major concern of every Christian to reconcile his understanding of the Holy Scriptures with the accumulating scientific knowledge of the 21st century. This question has long troubled me and I have read a dozen or more authors on the subject. In this small book Howard White has made the best, most satisfactory treatment of this vital matter that I have ever encountered. . . .  The reconciliation of Scripture and evolution presented here is not mere speculation. As the author is well aware, it is of vital relevance to mankind for our understanding of who we are at this very moment in the long history of the human race — creatures of the physical world with immortal souls.


This title is also available at Amazon and most major online book retailers. The electronic edition is currently exclusive to Kindle.

 Mash (“Click”) below to get yours today!

Print Edition
Kindle Edition

Don't forget that when you purchase a print edition of ANY Shotwell title on Amazon​, you can get a FREE Kindle edition through the MATCHBOOK program.

Once your purchase is complete (or shortly thereafter) go HERE and download your FREE eBooks! (You can find a tutorial HERE​ if you need some extra guidance.)

There's nothing like holding a REAL book in your hand, but why choose when you can have both? 

Speaking of the Society of Independent Historians...


Shotwell recently produced the audio edition of the society’s first publication, UNDERSTANDING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. This is essential reading (or listening, as in the present case). It places the WBTS in the broader context of American history—from Jamestown through reconstruction—like no other book we have come across in recent memory. (You can download a free PDF copy HERE.) 

Making works like this available can reach a wider audience of folks who “read by listening” as they commute or are otherwise occupied with the demands of a fast-paced life.(We hope!)
If you are not a member of, you can download UNDERSTANDING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES or one of our other titles​ for free with your trial membership. Just be sure and cancel before the trial ends if you do not wish to be a subscriber.    

We recently added an audio book page on our web site, so mash below to check out this production and other Shotwell Audio Editions.

Take Me to Shotwell Audio Books!

2019 is going to be our best year yet!

We've got some fantastic titles in the works for y'all including...

  • The War Between the States: 60 Essential Books  (Southern Reader's Guide Series, vol. II) by Dr. Clyde N. Wilson
  • Ulysses Grant's Failed Presidency by Philip Leigh

and from Green Altar Books (our literary imprint) 

  • A Fatal Mercy: The Man Who Lost the Civil War by Thomas Moore.

This is just a little teaser of things to come. There's plenty of good'uns in the queue! We are excited and hope you are too! 

If you like what we do, please forward this email to a friend or two! 

Until next time, dear readers, we remain yours

With gratitude (and attitude),

—    Clyde, Paul, & the Shotwell Gang


P.S. - If you did not get your free copy of A HANDBOOK ON SOUTHERN MANNERS, it's not too late. You can download it HERE.

SHOTWELL PUBLISHING | Southern Without Apology