
Hello Again, Romantics, it's June, and for many, including our children who are teachers, and our grandkids who are students, it is time to kick back and enjoy the lazy days of summer. But many of us aren't that lucky. For my colleagues in healthcare education, summer means classes, conferences, and networking. 

As many of you might remember, I've cut my workload back to four days per week this year, giving me the chance to pick up more Robin Paul responsibility. I'm focusing that time on introducing our brand and books to a wider audience. What I have learned so far is that this job uses a totally different part of my brain. While much of my day job is research and clinically focused, publishing and marketing is about being creative and finding out what makes our readers happy enough to spread the word about our books. 

So, knowing all those things, I'm excited to tell you a little about our upcoming Christmas in July celebration. We will release our newest holiday romance, Christmas Comeback, in the middle of summer so that you can experience all the feels of Christmas as you read our book and watch Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. Hopefully our movie, Christmas Class Reunion, will be shown at least once!

But that’s not all! And while I don’t want to spoil any surprises, I do want you to know that we're adding e-commerce to our website. Like many authors, we are finding that some of our fans want to buy directly from us. With this addition, we are also adding in some fun reader merch. This has been so fun that I wish I could just spill the beans now, but I will restrain myself until July. So, PLEASE be sure to check out our Facebook page and website for video updates later this month.

And as always, you can email me here

Our Pick of Pix - Guilty!


We planned a fun day at Branson's Silver Dollar City, but these hoodlums got themselves locked up. That's Fallon, Finley, Flora, and Pop Pop Paul. 


Spicy Beef and Veggies

I prepare this one in my instant pot. If you are using a crock pot instead, just add more time for the meat to cook and the veggies to get done. 



1 pot roast, about 3 pounds

2 cans beef consommé

1 carton beef broth

4-8 oz of wine (can be cooking wine or whatever you have open in the fridge – you can also use a can of beer).

1 packet pot roast seasoning

1 packet ranch seasoning

1 packet zesty Italian dressing seasoning

1 jar sweet hot jalapenos (or you can use pepperoncini)

1 large onion, chopped

3-4 cloves garlic, minced

Salt and pepper 

Potatoes (I use the small red potatoes, but any kind is fine, just cut into bite sized pieces)

1 bag carrots (I use the petite baby carrots but any kind is fine)


  1. Salt and Pepper the meat on both sides. Sear each side and ends in a skillet. Place in instapot. 
  2. Add in all ingredients except for the potatoes and carrots. 
  3. Slow cook in instant pot for 6-7 hours
  4. 25 minutes before ready to eat, open pot and remove about 1 cup of broth (or more if you like…just leave enough to cover the veggies). Add veggies. 
  5. Cook on beef setting (not slow cooking this time) for 25 minutes. 
  6. Release steam (be careful) and check veggies to be sure they are tender. 
  7. While veggies are cooking, place removed broth in saucepan. Thicken with either corn starch or flour to make spicy gravy. 

Serve with a salad and bread or cornbread. 

Hint: Try to save some for leftovers, because this makes the best stew – just add some canned corn, peas, and canned tomatoes and you have another great meal. Next time, I will share my favorite cornbread recipe with you! 

Hey from Lucy!


Look who's living her best life! Lucy spent a couple days at our daughter and son-in-law's home in St. Joseph, Missouri last week while we were out of town. Their front porch is perfect for people watching.

What I'm Reading - Paul's Pick


Imagine working for a boss you never meet, carrying out assignments that you know nothing about in advance.

That’s Evie Porter’s life. Or is her real name Lucca Marino? Perhaps it’s Izzy Williams. Or Mia Bianchi. Or Wendy Wallace. Or Helen White. I think you get the point. The protagonist in Ashley Elston’s thriller, First Lie Wins​, travels the American south under any of several assumed identities as she does the bidding of her boss, the mysterious Mr. Smith.

Evie is a good person from a poor family. The skills she has developed to survive in the world, some honorable, others not so much, attract the attention of ever-present but never seen Mr. Smith. Evie has proven to be good at whatever task she is assigned, until a near-miss causes Mr. Smith to doubt her abilities. She is given one final chance to redeem herself, but quickly falls for the target of her next assignment. Ryan Sumner is young, handsome, and kind. He’s also involved in some shady business dealings. How Evie works through everything while protecting herself from increasing pressure from Mr. Smith makes for a very fast read. 

First Lie Wins​ is all thriller. The romance between Evie and Ryan takes a back seat to plot twists and turns that take the reader back and forth over eight crazy years. 

Did You Miss Anything...?

Like Paul's prom remembrances?​ How about our previous newsletters? There's some great stuff there. Want to be one of the cool kids who follow us on Facebook? We post lots of pics of our comings and goings. Do you have questions for us? Send them here.

And of course, you can find our books here.

That's all for now. Be sure to add us to your contacts so you won't miss future newsletters. See you soon! Love, Robin