
Yoga Melrose will be teaching Snow-Yoga outside Pine Villa Nursing home from 2-3pm. This is a free class for ages K-6th graders. All former Dutchmight Yoga students are invited. Also, we'll have Melrose Bakery cookies at our Open House from 6-7:30pm. Just in time to enjoy the parade! We hope you have time to stop by and support Melrose businesses.


Here's a little bit more about Sarah:

I live on big birch lake with my husband and our three kids.  Last summer my neighbor taught me how to slalom ski and it is my new favorite hobby.  I love skiing and taught the three kids how to ski this summer.  We have had some epic crashes but that just means we are learning and making forward progress to becoming better skiers. 

I enjoy working out and am always trying new activities.  During the pandemic I trained and ran a very hilly full marathon.  It was tough and I am so grateful to have finished.  My IT bands are often tight from running and Yoga really helps in stretching them.  I also enjoy weight lifting, hiking, and riding my Peloton bike.


Here are 2 poses you can do with prop support. Listen to your body, subtle adjustments can be most helpful. 


Wrap a strap around your foot so you can "bind" in Arha (half) Baddha (bound) Paschimottansana (forward fold). It's OK if you can't reach your foot. Work on lengthening your spine up and out of your pelvis. Allow your whole back body to stretch. Strengthen your front body with each exhalation.


Setu Bandhasana is feasible when supported by a block under your shoulder blades and cradling your head with your hands as you open the front of your throat. Some students are then able to engage their core, squeeze & lift their legs. Remember, any part of any pose will bring you benefit. Be safe.


We explored using props during our yoga practice with our Dutchmight students. Here are some wonderful students showing us how to support our bodies in various poses. You may want to add blocks to your Christmas list today! THANK YOU Mighty Dutchmight students!


Open your trikonasana with a block, to stretch across your collarbones to promote better posture & breathing.


Lifting your sternum supports your shoulders as they relax.


Find support in fish pose to relax your belly & support your upper back backbend.


Find the block height to best support your head & neck. 


Georgina Miranda shares a guided practice to help you feel more grounded and at ease. This is a practice that can help you reconnect with yourself, especially during stressful or fearful moments. Georgina is a global leader in change, transformation, mindfulness, conscious leadership development and the advancement of women. She is also a highly sought after international transformation coach, public speaker, and management consultant. Sign up for their newsletter here​.


Ashley is resuming her one-on-one training and virtual programming options. Small group training opportunities at Yoga Melrose will be coming this winter! Call or text her at 320-333-5498 to inquire more or visit the Melrose Fitness personal training webpage​.


Amy continues to teach Sculpt and Bootcamp weekly. Text Amy at 320-290-8801, email [email protected], or Facebook message Lifestyle Wellness LLC​ to register today.

Our Message to You

"While many of us lean on mindfulness to help us through times of inner and outer chaos, we can cultivate the greatest resilience through consistency in our practice, even when it doesn’t feel urgent."  -Georgina Miranda

Thank you for sharing your yoga practice with Yoga Melrose. Wishing you & your family a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We are deeply grateful for sharing your practice with us, the community and world!
