September Newsletter

Hello! This issue of the Selective Mutism H.E.L.P. Newsletter is all about back to school.

There will be an additional newsletter next month which will include shareable information for SM Awareness Month as well as registration information for the next free Online Summit. 


Featured Podcast Episode

"How Teachers can Support a Student with Selective Mutism"

This 18 minute podcast can be shared with your child's teacher to give them a better understanding of how they can help your child all school.

Click below to listen on your favorite app or Ask Alexa:

Apple Podcast


Google Podcast


SM HELP Website - Episode 5

Alexa: "Play Selective Mutism HELP Podcast, Episode 5"


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, September 26th

Free 20 Minute Coaching Day

Whether you are a past client, current client, looking to become an established client, or need a quick question answered, schedule a FREE 20-Minute Coaching Session with Kelly! If you can't make it on the free coaching day, all new clients can schedule a free consultation throughout September! Click HERE to schedule. 

Mark your Calendar!

The next FREE Selective Mutism H.E.L.P. Online Summit will be OCTOBER 20TH-OCTOBER 23RD! This Summit will help us understand more about what it going on with our kids ON THE INSIDE and how to create a more efficient and secure BRAIN-BODY CONNECTION.

Guest speakers and topics include:

Kelly Mahler - Interoception

Sonia Story - Primitive Reflexes

Anna Biavati-Smith - Anger and other big emotions

Toni Paluka - Gut Health



Ask Kelly

"My child is a skin picker when they are experiencing anxiety and it has gotten worse since school has started. What can we do?"

This question is near and dear to me as our daughter has struggled with this for many years - the scars on her arms, unfortunately, prove it. We thought she was doing better with picking, but by the third day of school, she had an area on her finger that was picked very deep. I started asking her questions about her classroom - where in the room do you sit, who do you sit by, are there kids that aren't listening causing the teacher to raise her voice? Through this discussion, we were able to discover that due to the teacher having to speak loudly to the other students, she was having a lot of auditory input which was increasing her anxiety. Her picking was a result of trying to regulate. We found a pair of small, clear ear plugs that decreased the sounds of the other students, but allowed her to still hear what the teacher was saying. This was exactly what she needed! Her picking stopped and she seemed more regulated when she got home! If your child has sensitivity to auditory stimuli, these were the ear plugs that worked for her, but there are many different options. If you are looking for a way to find solutions to some of the problems your child encounters during the school year, Parent Coaching may be helpful for you! For more information on Parent Coaching, click HERE!

Proof that Progress is Possible!

(names have been changed to protect identity)

Molly enjoyed Kindergarten - she would tell her parents all about the things they did, all about the other kids, and wanted to send videos to her teachers of the reading she was able to do at home. But, at school, the only audible communication she could do was whisper in mom's ear whenever anyone was around. The family started a reward system and trying to have more conversations with Molly about how hard different communication types would be, but she quickly became unmotivated by rewards she would just say "I don't know" when her parents tried talking with her. It seemed that all the "typical" interventions were not working. Then, they decided to try the Sound & Movement Program. Molly would listen to 10 minutes of the Safe & Sound Protocol while Mom or Dad facilitated passive rhythmic movements and they would do this 5 days a week.  The parents were also meeting with Kelly weekly to discuss progress and helping Molly find the first step in communicating above a whisper. The parents were amazed at home much Molly was beginning to change. Within a few months, she was able to talk to mom at full volume in front of staff, then answer questions at full volume from staff, then spontaneously speak to staff at the school! When the Sound & Movement Program ended, they wanted to keep strengthening the brain-body connection, so they began integrating Primitive Reflexes. Molly has now been able to start riding a bike, is less clumsy in general, and is speaking to peers and her teacher at school. We are overjoyed with her progress! This is another great example that Progress is Possible!

To learn more about the Sound & Movement Program, click HERE.


Looking for a supportive community? The Selective Mutism H.E.L.P. Community of Support is a welcoming group for you to find support, ask questions, and to know that you are not alone. Join today!