November Newsletter - J.R. Dawson


My World's on Fire, How Bout Yours?

Here we are, a day out from the Presidential Election. Do you have a plan to vote? If you're unsure how to cast your ballot tomorrow, here's a link to a handy dandy guide at Get Out the Vote. My plan is to get up super early and walk across the street to the community center. (Although if it's raining, I might drive the block because I am made of sugar). 

Outside of the looming election, I've been working on tying up the final knots of LIGHTHOUSE and starting to brainstorm for my next book. Right now, I'm stuck between a story about a magical professor and a story about an immortal pirate.

We also have been exploring our new town of Minneapolis, which I assure you is not on fire. The parks and libraries have been such a safe haven for us during this time of transition, and I am so grateful to the Quatrefoil library for existing. It was super cool to walk in and see TFBT on the New Releases shelf up front!

Another fun part of personal life is we were so lucky to go to Alaska. And one of the coolest parts of the trip was when our ship docked in Juneau and I got to visit Hearthside Books!

We also saw bears and that was super cool. Not at Hearthside ... out in the wild.

Onwards to the updates!


Autumnal Updates

*The First Bright Thing is now out in paperback!

* The First Bright Thing's audiobook will be ON SALE as part of Audible's Super Cozy Sale, 11/6-11/10.

* A new short story, "Six People to Revise You," will be out in Uncanny Magazine next year! This is my first Uncanny story, and I am very excited.

* Hennepin County Library will host an event with me in February, more information coming soon!


Book Club:

"The Other March Sisters"

by Linda Epstein, Ally Malinenko, and Liz Parker

I had read Liz Parker and Ally Malinenko's solo work. I have read Little Women and obsessed over Jo (to the point of naming one of my characters after her). And now it all comes together in this amazing upcoming book that you do not want to miss.

Josephine March has told her side of the story ... and everyone else's side through her perspective. And if you know Jo, you know that her perspective is THE perspective.

But now come three stories from Amy, Beth, and Meg. Void of Jo on the page and instead lurking in their mentions, the other three March sisters get time to tell their stories of the world that does not necessarily revolve around the narrative of Little Women. Amy is in Europe fighting inside of herself about what it means to be a woman artist. Meg is building an herb garden and stepping out from under her mother's shadow. And Beth ... oh my God, Beth. You just have to read it.

It's queer. It's pro-woman. It's freaking brilliant. Please read this book next year when it arrives.

thank you so much for your support,
see you in THE winter!