Services Training Podcast

From our Team 

Extreme Heat Advisory

We're experiencing record high temperatures. Be sure to read the August 14th provider alert regarding tips and resources for staying cool and preparing for possible power outages.

Listeria Outbreak

Be sure to see today's provider alert regarding a Listeria outbreak associated with soft serve ice cream.

Update on Clackamas County Application Processing

Clackamas County is now accepting applications via a waitlist system. Applicants must have their applications completed before adding their name to the waitlist. This waitlist applies to Clackamas County only. At this time, all other counties are processing applications as usual. 

Licensee Conference Call - Aug. 16th


The next Licensee Bi-monthly Conference Call is tomorrow, Wednesday, August 16th at 10AM. 

Click here to join the meeting. (Meeting ID: 161 389 9420, Passcode: 601557), One tap mobile +16692545252, passcode: 1613899420#

Service Highlight: Initial Consultation


We find many people have questions and concerns about the "unknowns" in the beginning stages of pursuing their goal of opening their own adult care home. 

It is vital to get the correct information you need to start this business before taking the next steps and making major, life-changing decisions

We are here to support you and provide this guidance. We offer a 60-minute, virtual consultation to answer important questions and help you create a customized plan of action to move forward. 

Click here to learn more about this service and contact us​ to schedule a consultation. 

Tip of the Week - Building Permits


If you're doing any remodeling or additions to your home, you'll want to protect your property and make sure any new construction or remodeling has been completed and inspected at every step of the process by your local building department. 

It's important to understand that applying for a permit is different than completing a permitted project. We often see situations where people produce a permit application and number, but have not received what is called a finaled permit.

You'll want to make sure you understand the steps in the permitting process and verify any required permits have been finaled to avoid any issues with your licensing process. Licensing will check to verify that rooms added to a care home were added under permit.  

There are several, important steps involved in getting a permit and finalizing the project:

  1. Apply for a permit through your local building department: This may be the city or county, and in some cases both depending on the work being done. Most work requires a permit. There are few exceptions for structural work that does not require permits. There are almost no exceptions to electrical or plumbing work. 
  2. Submit plans and construction documents for review by the building department: The construction documents may be required to be designed by an architect or an engineer. Minor work may not require plan review, but may still require permits and the work to be completed by a licensed professional. 
  3. Work can begin on the project: Once the construction documents have been reviewed, approved, and issued by the building department, the work on the construction project can begin. 
  4. Call for inspections: During construction of the work permitted, there are several required inspections that must be performed by the building inspector. Work shall not continue past these points until the inspection has been completed and approved. It is the duty of the holder of the building permit or their duly authorized agent to notify the building official when work is ready for inspection.
  5. Receive a certificate of occupancy: This will occur only after all inspections have been completed, all work has been done, and the building department has approved the final inspections for all work done. This includes electrical, mechanical, plumbing and structural inspections. 

Once these processes have been completed, you can be assured that the work done on your care home is complete and approved. 


Listen to our past podcast episode with Isaac Elting McGuire, advisor to the team on building codes and permits: Construction, Codes, & Your Care Home.

Individual Option EQC Course


Our Individual Option EQC Course is flexible and available at any time. We offer both EQC Essentials only and the complete course. Follow the steps below. After you attend the interest/preparation session, you will receive the link to register for the course:

Step #2: Register for one of our upcoming EQC preparation sessions:​​​​

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."

Margaret Fuller, journalist (1810-1850)

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