Personal Growth Reminder

~ Don't Outsource Your Wisdom ~ 

Others can tell you what worked for them, but no one can give you definite answers for your life. The only way to find out what works is to listen to your own wisdom, be willing to make mistakes, and do what feels right to you.


Self-Care Invitation

~ Self-Understanding > Self-Improvement

Before you improve yourself, take the time to truly understand yourself. Before changing self-defeating beliefs or behaviors, try to understand how they might have served your past self, what were they trying to protect you from, and how they might be getting in the way of what your current self wants.    


Advice You Didn't Ask For 

~ Approach Life Playfully ~

Life is too short to be constantly burdened by seriousness. Taking ourselves too seriously can lead to unnecessary stress and self-imposed pressure.

When we loosen up and allow ourselves to be vulnerable and playful, life does not feel as heavy and difficult. Everything feels easier when we can laugh at ourselves, indulge in silliness, and find joy in the simplest moments.

So, lighten up, embrace the quirks and imperfections that make you unique, and savor every precious moment along the way!


Self Check-In

~ Look For What's Right ~

There is always something that is going well in life but we tend to overlook it because we are too focused on what's wrong and what's lacking. It is just as important (if not more important) to ask ourself often:

What is going well? What feels right? What am I taking for granted?


Quote I'm Reflecting on

"When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself you are invincible."– Tina Lifford.

Question I'm Considering

"What have I given up on?"

Services Offered

 Psychotherapy and Coaching


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