Don't forget to Follow Ridgewood Crew on Facebook/Instagram RIDGEWOOD CREW NEEDS YOU! Many volunteer opportunities! Stay tuned for more information in Crew News and InstaTeam Head of the Passaic: The Head of the Passaic Regatta is this Sunday. The tentative schedule for the race is attached. All rowers need to be at PRRA 2 hours prior to their race. Rowers may leave after their race and their boat is returned. Please check regatta central for final schedule https://www. Parents - best viewing spots are in North Arlington at the Passaic River Park (use 211 River Rd; North Arlington for GPS) or at the Belleville Turnpike Bridge near the Kearny Boathouse. Parking can be challenging and River Rd is very busy, please be careful crossing the street. HOPR 10142018 Schedule.pdf Download File Pasta Party Calling all rowers - this Saturday night there will be a rower only pasta party in preparation for Sunday's regatta; 6-7:30pm at the RHS Cafeteria. Please sign up on InstaTeam to bring a food item. A Night with Carlo Russo's Wine & Spirit World Please join Ridgewood Crew and Carlo Russo’s Wine and Spirit World for a wine tasting and dinner in the beautiful environs of Chakra restaurant, 144 W. Rt. 4, Paramus NJ. The evening will feature an international collection of wines. All wines will be available for purchase in time for the upcoming holidays and additional silent auction items will be offered. For those wishing to pay by check, please make a check payable to: Ridgewood Crew and mail or drop off $100 payment by October 26 to: S. Carmona, 898 Hillcrest Rd., Ridgewood NJ 07450. Proceeds of the evening will help fund the Ridgewood High School Crew team. We look forward to seeing you then! And as always, please drink responsibly and /or arrange for an Uber or designated driver for the end of the evening as we care about you and want you to arrive home safely. Share this event on Facebook and Twitter We hope you can make it! Cheers, Ridgewood Crew RIDGEWOOD CREW OFFICERS Boris Roque - Head Coach:
[email protected] Rocco Orlando - President:
[email protected] Kelly Aherne - Secretary:
[email protected] Ann Hida - VP Administration:
[email protected] Judy Wong-VP Logistics:
[email protected] Jeff Johnson - VP Finance:
[email protected] Jeanne Johnson - VP Marketing:
[email protected] Susanna Carmona-Fundraising:
[email protected] Elisa Rivero & Lisa Williamson-Tent Coordinators
[email protected] Please visit our website at