


DECEMBER 16, 2023


Dear Friends,

Warm greetings as we come together to reflect on another year of progress and transformation. It is with heartfelt gratitude that we extend our appreciation for your support. Your dedication is at the heart of our achievements.

The Family Care program has now evolved into a mature model, creating lasting change in the lives of families we serve. Not long ago the model was just an idea, then it became an experiment, and today it stands on its own having proven its worth and viability.

This year marks a time of transition, with many families graduating from Family Care as they stand stronger, and new families soon entering our fold, seeking a brighter future.

Our work is very far from complete. We have limited resources and hundreds of shortlisted families who need assistance. Social workers are currently in the assessment process, visiting families to determine who needs your support the very most. 

Factors that may see a family enrolled stretch beyond monetary poverty and include things like physical disabilities, food insecurity, children not in school, unsafe latrines or homes, and other hardships. All these challenges are also opportunities for the Family Care program to have a significant impact. The assessment also looks for families that are truly driven to change their own situations, because those families are best suited to collaborate with the Family Care program.

Our commitment to sparking deep, meaningful change remains our guiding principle. We remain focused on impact over scale, and we would rather reach 200 families meaningfully than 20,000 superficially. This core belief in deeper impact limits us in terms of grants and foundations. It means that we rely on your personal contributions.

Our dedicated supporters' annual gifts keep the Family Care program going, while bequests and large gifts have enabled us to grow our reach. Through planned giving, your impact can extend beyond your lifetime, a profound gesture that ensures your values continue making a difference.

I invite you to renew your commitment to our shared vision. To our sponsors and regular donors, please consider this letter our request for your annual gift. Every contribution, no matter the size, is an investment in change. Together, we are building a lasting impact and creating a more equitable world for future generations.

With deep appreciation,


John Chisholm, Executive Director

Give to the education fund



families assisted, reaching over 1,300 people


scholarships for high school, university, and vocational training


families built new homes, kitchens, & latrines


small businesses supported with capital to grow


of families now run small businesses


donors like you 
made it all possible

The Barasa Family’s Success Story

Benson and Laura joined our Family Care program in 2021, and since then they’ve overcome many challenges and transformed their family’s situation. They now earn a good income from horticulture, poultry, a fruit orchard, livestock, and fish farming. They also host workshops so that others can learn from their success. 

Next year they will graduate from the Family Care program confident in their ability to provide for their children.


Donovan will graduate next year from the prestigious Kakamega High School.


Benson and Masha, the youngest child, with some freshly plucked mangoes.


Benson pours clean, filtered water for his kids


Laura shows off a veggie patch


Four siblings together at home

A glimpse at this year’s accomplishments

2023 was marked by continued progress as our Family Care model matured and the families we serve rose to new heights.

Many families are now graduating from our programs and standing on their own, while many other families are soon to join our fold. 


In September, 23 students joined university under our scholarships. Here, we celebrate Kosgey, who just graduated with a BSc. in Chemical Engineering.


Every family we work with is encouraged to venture into several income projects. Tailoring is one of the most common new livelihoods for families in our programs.


Agriculture business training moved into a new phase this year, helping over 100 families increase farm incomes.


UKR distributed over 800 mosquito nets this year, ensuring everyone we serve is better protected from malaria.


United Kenya Rising's free eye clinics have served over 1,000 community members. Above is Janet, a UKR grandmother, smiling broadly after recovering from a UKR-funded surgery that restored her sight.

Two short documentary videos

Two terrific mini-documentaries about UKR's Family care model were released this year.  One was made by WezaCare, a children's rights organization that has highlighted our Family Care model. The other one was made by the UKR communictions team.

The short films really bring our work to life. Check them out by clicking below!


Nyota Zetu ("Our Stars") is a 16 minute mini-documentary about the Family Care Model (click the image above or this link)​


A four-minute video from the United Kenya Rising communications team about the impact of Family Care (click the image above or this link)​