Hello my beautiful people,

I hope I am finding you well and hopeful.

I miss you all so much and I miss my office and working.  I miss helping you and taking your pain away. I miss helping to decrease your stress and anxiety. I miss all of it, I feel a void in my heart and a huge sense of being lost.

I know we all need stress relief more then ever right now and it pains me that I can't help you and tend to your ailments.

I want to let you all know you are on my mind and in my heart.

Given the new laws about social distancing and more new laws being formed, I have to admit I am concerned for my industry and what it will look like down the road. 

I am turning to my clients for feedback. How do you feel about massage and touch therapy? I want to stay positive and your opinion would be very helpful. Whether touch therapy feels very different for you now or you cannot wait for me to rub out your stiff stressed out body. I would appreciate your view point going forward. At this point we are still at April 30. I have heard it could be another month. I will let you all know as soon as I do.

Just reply to this email when you have a moment to give me an idea of where your opinions are.

Take care of yourselves and here are the ways I can help you from a distance. You can find on my website. Links to You Tube meditations and yoga and self care at home. I also offer online partner massge classes with your partner.


* Take downtime away from media. Only look to CDC

* Meditate or at least take moments of quiet away from a screen.

* Call lost friends on the phone and reconnect.

* Call your siblings, parents and grandparents and tell them you love them.

* Make up with anyone you are pissed at.

* Call on your spirit helpers to guide and comfort you.

* Burn sage to clear negative energy.

* Bond with your quarantine tribe.

* Learn something new like a recipe

* Watch funny movies

* Clean and organize your home.

* Rearrange the furniture

Many blessings and light to you always, we are in this together.

Thank you so much,

