

Roxie Munro Studio Newsletter


 "A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE DESERT:  6 Desert Habitats, 108 Species, and How to Save Them" from Holiday House (Books for a Better Earth Collection)

The 1.5 minute-video trailer: click DESERTS


For the Holiday House Star Storytime YouTube video about Deserts, click: All About Deserts


(It has more than 29K views!)

From Literary Hub - "Ten successful writers who dropped out or were kicked out of school," click: Oops! and, also from the Hub, Edith Wharton on how to write a vivid first line. Click: Beginnings - more than a trick.


Speaking of deserts, National Geographic for Kids tells us 13 Ways to Save the Earth from Climate Change - click Easy Peasy

I have books featured in 2 major exhibitions opening in January 2024:

JAN 13 - JUNE 2:  "Alphabet Soup: How Picture Books Are Made, From A to Z"  (includes Inside-Outside Dinosaurs).      Eric Carle Museum, Amherst, MMA.  Info: Creating Picture Books

JAN 21:  "Building Stories" Exhibition, curated by Leonard Marcus, opens at the National Building Museum in Washington DC.  Work from ABCity and Architects Make Zigzags is featured.  Exhibition will be up for a decade! KidLit TV coverage.
Info: Building Stories

Also from Literary Hub: The first ever CROSSWORD PUZZLE appears in a newspaper on Dec 21, 1913. Click PUZZLES

The Art of Being Alone: Solitude enriches creative work (Marginalian): click Alone... and an elegant piece on clouds & art. Click: The Sky & the Soul

Booking 2024 in-person (& online) SCHOOL VISITS (now registered with Boces Nassau Co, NY, among others).

School & library visits include new Rainforest, Deserts, & Lizards programs, plus Coral Reefs, Rodent Rascals, Dinosaurs, Mazes, Masterpiece Mix, & the very popular programs, Nature & How to Create a Nonfiction Picture Book...Here's the menu: RX School Visits

Free activities for kids

For the short snappy video trailer for Lizards click: Cool!


Download any or all of the FREE coloring pages from Lizards at Large here...

or go to the webpage LIZARDS

Veiled Chameleon copy.pdf
Tokay Gecko copy.pdf
Green Plumed Basilisk copy.pdf
Australian Frilled Lizard copy.pdf

A new program covers some of Earth's most important ECOSYSTEMS - unique & special qualities (& threats from climate change; what we can do about it). Based on Roxie's recent books: Deserts (A Day in the Life of the Desert), Rainforests (Anteaters, Bats & Boas), Coral Reefs (Dive In), & nine more, including Polar Regions, Wetlands, Tundra, Grasslands, Alpine, others (from EcoMazes: 12 Earth Adventures).


 Recent '23 School Visits include Sicomac Elementary School in NJ, and Lakeville Elem, Glen Cove Elem, and Landing Elem on Long Island, NY)

My blog focuses on children's books & publishing (copyright issues, nonfiction gamification, making apps, informational vs nonfiction children's books, COPPA, conferences, more). Click: RX BLOG

My YouTube Channel has almost four dozen videos on publishing, how-tos, kid reviews, book trailers, apps, interviews (at conferences, libraries, schools), KidLitTV Read Alouds & Storymakers: RX YouTube

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