
2018 Season Cocktail Party
Parents and Seniors

Please join us in kicking off the spring season at the home of Jeff and Katie Saladucha for our 2018 Season cocktail party on Friday, April 6th at 7:30pm 111 Crest Road.  No need to write a check, bring anything or help in anyway.  Just come ready to have a great night meeting your fellow rowing parents for a night of good cheer. 

Please RSVP via Instateam. Go to Events, scroll to look for April 6th, hit "set my attendance" for that date.

Look forward to seeing you then! Go Wood!


Hi All,

We are still in need of a home for this Saturday's pasta party, please sign up today if you can help out.  All food slots are filled with the exception of one dessert slot.  As a reminder, the following families are signed up for this pasta party and we are depending on your donation.

Drinks:  Perez, Liu, Martinez and Kilesch.

Salad w/dressing:  Perez and Saladucha

Bread:  Lowicki and Martinez

Pasta:  Orlando, Carlson, Perez, Martinez, Vij, Thomas, Johnson and Gibson

Dessert:  Youn and Johnson

Thanks all for making this fun for the rowers.  We will let you know the location and time as we get closer.

Nicole and Lisa


Believe it or not our first regatta is this Sunday 4.8.18 (3rd Manny Flick Regatta) and we need volunteers to work the tent and bring food.

The following sign ups are urgently needed:

Morning Shift - 7am -11 am (Girls parents)

  • 2 families to set-up and work the tent (serve breakfast, keep it organized and clean)
  • 2 Warm egg-dish (Sheet pan quiche / Egg caserole dish)
  • 1 large tray of cut fruit
  • Assorted breads (banana, zuccini, grandma homemade recipe)

Afternoon Shift - 11am - 3 pm (Boys parents)

  • 2 families to pack and work the tent (serve lunch, keep it organized and clean)
  • 2 Beef or turkey Chili
  • Specialty salad (e.g. grain, wheat berries, quinoa, potato salad)
  • Homemade dessert (brownies, cookies, cake, muffins)

The food trailer will leave Ridgewood around 5 am to arrive at Kelly Drive, PA by 7:00 AM.  We ask that parents working the morning shift leave directly from the Graydon bus drop off in order to arrive shortly after the trailer.

We have Parking Passes for the morning shift families. The Rivero and Williamson will also be there to help with both shifts.

Signups are in instateam (go to event and filter to regattas, find the signup logo and scroll down for various signups). For questions, email Elisa Rivero at [email protected]

Kilwin's Candy Fundraiser - Sale starts Saturday!!

Sale Dates: April 7-15

Delivery Dates: May 7-11 and June 11-15

Order forms for the Kilwin's fund raiser were handed out to all the kids this week.  It's a Mother's day and Father's day chocolate sale.  There are 4 types of chocolates that can be ordered.  We are asking all the kids to sell at least 4 boxes. 

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 sellers; $100 to the person that sells the most, $50 for second most and $25 for third most. 
Please have the kids sell to family, friends and neighbors.  They can canvas the neighborhood with a partner and the kids should wear their Ridgewood crew gear when they go out to sell. 

Cash and checks are accepted.  Checks should be made out to Ridgewood Crew.  Order forms need to be handed in by April 13.  
Please call or email me with any questions.
Meryl Shattuck
[email protected]


High Schoolers – We still have a number of 3rd payments outstanding.

Middle Schoolers – We still have a number of the spring payments outstanding.

Please remember that according to the Rowers Conduct document “no rower is allowed to participate in Regattas until all fees are paid”.

If you are not sure if you have an outstanding balance, please email Jeff Johnson @ [email protected].

You can either mail or deliver a “Ridgewood Crew” payment to:

Jeff Johnson

325 Mastin Place


Please know if you have not turned in your Row a Thon contributions,  they are now due. Please drop off at Jeff Johnson's house

325 Mastin Pl


Please note:

The Freshmen and Novice 4+ will not be rowing in the Regatta this weekend. Info to follow on the racing line up for those boats scheduled to race.



Regatta photos are needed for press releases and social media. Please contact Jeanne Johnson for more information. (201) 851-3262
[email protected]


Please visit our website at ridgewoodcrew.com