Pathways Rhythms

October 2020


Mystic of the Month: Macrina Wiederkehr

During October we remember author and spiritual guide, Macrina Wiederkehr. Macrina was a Benedictine monastic and died on April 24, 2020, at the age of 81. Our readings for Tuesday’s contemplative sit will be from her book, The Flowing Grace of Now.  

Winter, spring, summer, and fall are mulch for each other.

The seasons of our lives are like that also.

We learn from the layers of life.

Our joys, sorrows, regrets, hopes, miseries, and enthusiasms

are mulch for each other.

Macrina Wiederkehr, The Flowing Grace of Now

St. Francis Animal Blessing


Pathways’ annual St. Francis animal blessing is Sunday, October 4 at 4pm. This time of blessing includes a walk through the woods and a short blessing service. If your pet is not able to travel, consider bringing a photo. Please bring your own chair and water bottle. There will not be singing during the service, physical distancing will be observed and masks worn. Snacks and water will be provided for our canine guests.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction, or spiritual companionship, is a monthly conversation with a trained listener about God’s presence in your life. It’s a foundational ministry of Pathways Retreat and our website has recently been updated with a FAQ feature and two sample videos of mini spiritual direction sessions. If you’re curious, take a look.


Prayer Requests


Every Monday at noon, Pathways has a healing prayer service on zoom. If you have a prayer request, please send it via our website and we’ll include it in the time of intercessory prayer. The format and words for this service are from the Iona Abbey in Scotland.

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Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann