Depression and Bipolar ​Support Alliance
​National Capital Area Chapter

Weekly Update

January 7, 2024

Hello and welcome to the weekly email! If you have a suggestion or news item to share please send to by 5:00 pm on Fridays.

Be sure to check out the chapter website at

Support Groups

As always, a calendar of all meetings, including zoom links, is on our site.

In Person Support Groups


  • Silver Spring Group, Tuesdays at 7:00 pm​
    Silver Spring United Methodist Church
    ​8900 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910


  • DC Peer Group, Thursdays at 7:15 pm
    Foundry United Methodist Church
    ​1500 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036

Virtual Support Groups


  • Peer Group, weekly on Sundays at 6:00 pm


  • Peer Group, second and fourth Mondays at 7:00 pm


  • LGBTQIA+ Peer Group, first and third Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
  • Women's Peer Group, second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 pm


  • Mid-Day Peer Group, Wednesdays at 12:00 pm
  • Peer Group, first and third Wednesdays at 7:00 pm


  • Peer Group, weekly on Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Unofficial Groups


  • Overspenders Group, first and third Sundays at 12:00 pm -contact Sarah if interested -


  • Panera Social, second and fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
    Panera Bread
    1780 E Jefferson St, Rockville, MD 20852


Zoom Link

If the provided link is used online, a password should be unnecessary. Please let us know of any difficulties via

Invite link for all ZOOM PEER groups:

Meeting ID 662 587 4960 Passcode: dbsanca

One tap mobile +13017158592,,6625874960#,,,,,,0#,,3858633#

+13017158592,,6625874960#,,,,*3858633# US (Washington D.C)

Dial in 301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 662-587-4960 Passcode: 3858633​


Google Calendar Links

Special Events and Unofficial Groups | Peer In Person | Peer Virtual

These are the links for our Google Calendar. Our Google Calendar is the most up to date source for meeting information, including links, specific locations, and meeting policies.

DBSA National Support Groups

​​DBSA National Partnership with HeyPeers

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance | HeyPeers Here you will find meetings from DBSA including specialized groups.

DBSA National Virtual Groups Listing

Online Support Groups - Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

DBSA NCA Chapter Announcements

Wednesday Meeting Transitioning to Twice Monthly

Our Wednesday evening virtual groups will no longer be using their legacy name starting in January; this one combined group will only meet twice on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Consult our Support Groups​ page for more details.

Facilitator and Board Openings

National is offering facilitator training. Please let us know if you would like to become a facilitator for DBSA NCA, or would like to represent the population of our chapter by filling a seat on our board, by emailing Alvin at: The treasurer position on our board is open as of January 2023. You will be responsible for reporting bank transactions and financial activity to the board at quarterly meetings, keeping track of monthly expenses, and making transfers as necessary.

Unofficial Groups Added to the Calendar


  • Overspenders Group, first and third Sundays at 12:00 pm - Contact Sarah if interested -


  • Panera Social, second and fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
    Panera Bread
    1780 E Jefferson St, Rockville, MD 20852

DBSA NCA Seeks Volunteers

DBSA NCA is seeking volunteers for the following two positions:

1. Social Media Coordinator: A social media coordinator is needed to help DBSA NCA manage its presence on its various social media platforms. Tasks include posting various items on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter to generate positive feelings towards DBSA NCA.

2. Community Outreach Coordinator: A volunteer is needed to manage outreach to various local government and community organizations. Tasks include researching key contacts with local government and community organizations as well as scheduling meetings with key contacts at local government agencies and community organizations.

Contact: Greg Billings via email: or 202-440-7714 if interested.

Have you Liked our Facebook Page? Please like and follow us to help our outreach.

Webinars & Events

Weekly Articles From BP Hope

Weekly Articles From Everyday Health

11 Self-Care Tips for Staying Happy and Healthy This Winter

Can Stress Make You Sick?

4 Things Not to Say to a Loved One With Anxiety

12 Deep Schizophrenia Quotes From People With the Disorder

A Therapist Speaks: Yes, Antidepressants Can Cause Nightmares

How to Do a Digital Detox | Everyday Health

7 Things to Help Manage Your Treatment-Resistant Depression

Yes, Emotional Trauma Can Affect the Brain

A Therapist Speaks: 7 Ways to Manage Weight Gain or Loss From Depression

7 Great Exercises to Ease Depression | Everyday Health

Weight Loss Reframed

How to Improve Your Body Image

How to Spot the Signs of Depression in the Elderly

Everyday Health’s New Weight Loss Survey Reveals the Top 3 Keys to Successful Weight Loss in the Age of Ozempic

8 Signs and Symptoms of Loneliness | Everyday Health

Schizophrenia: 7 Tips to Keep Your Relationship Strong

7 Medications That Don't Mix With Grapefruit and Its Juice

Weight Loss Journey: Lessons from a 100-Pound Weight Loss

9 Health Benefits of Swimming

6 Unusual Symptoms of Dehydration and Tips to Stay Hydrated

Expert Q&A: Can a Therapist Help You Lose Weight?

How to Clean Your House if You Have Depression

Distractibility or ADHD? How to Tell the Difference

Emotional Meltdowns: Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them

7 Popular Supplements With Potential Hidden Risks

The Essential Skills That Boost Resilience

The Link Between Stress and Inflammation

Are You Emotionally Ready to Lose Weight?

Types of Stretching: Static, Dynamic, and Other Techniques to Improve Flexibility

Mood Swings or Bipolar Disorder? How to Tell the Difference

Why Time Off Is Good for Your Health

8 Unusual Signs of Burnout

16 Celebrities With Anxiety Disorders

Are We Serving Your Needs?

We aim as volunteers to provide you with relevant and easily accessible content. Please let us know if we are successful, and especially if you think there are any changes to our newsletter or website that could better serve you by emailing

Contributions to DBSA

Donations to the National DBSA may be made through the website.

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us via email or our dedicated voicemail line, 240-780-8706​.

The DBSA NCA Web Team

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