Rhythms Newsletter



All of the places of our lives are sanctuaries;

some of them just happen to have steeples.

And all of the people in our lives are saints;

it is just that some of them have day jobs and

most will never have feast days named for them.

Robert Benson in Between the Dreaming and the Coming True

Communion of Saints

All Saints Day on November 1 celebrates the spiritual connection between those in Heaven and those on Earth. It is a time to remember and give thanks for the “communion of saints” - the whole community of Christ, living and dead - past, present and future.

The cottage at Pathways was designed to be a place of solace, particularly for those who grieve. With its sharply pitched roof and windows high on the gables and walls, it’s architecture points to the heavens with light streaming in from above. There is a book inside with a placard that reads: 


All who visit the cottage are welcome to add the names of their loved ones who have gone before us. This month three names dear to the co-directors at Pathways were added to this Book of Thanksgiving as they entered eternal life: Merlin Lehman, Linda’s father; Myrna Piper, Linda’s aunt and second mother; and Laura Ann Martin, Julie’s mother.

O blest communion, fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
All are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

  A verse from For All the Saints, William How, lyrics

All Saints Day Practices

There is no right or wrong way to mark All Saints Day, but here are a few ideas to get you started as you remember the saints whose presence has touched your life and continues to shape you.

Gratitude list:

Make a list of saints whose lives have contributed to yours. Beside each name, write a gift you received from them. These may be gifts that continue to live on in you; for example, the gift of music or humor. Give thanks for their lives and gifts received.


Recall stores and teachings from those who have gone before you. Share them with others.

Linking activity:

Do something that links those who have gone before you with those who will come after you. For example, take a video of an older loved one to share with future generations, make a favorite family dish and pass along the recipe, or share in a place/activity that the person you are remembering loved in life.

Light a Candle:

Remembering can be as simple as lighting a candle in memory of someone who has been a light in your life.

The Saints were not superhuman.

They were people who loved God in their hearts,

and who shared this joy with others.  

Pope Francis


Iona Healing Prayers

Thursday, november 15, 7pm

In these days when the weight of what is happening in our world - and perhaps in your personal life, too - is difficult to bear, join with others in bringing our grief, lament, and requests before God. All are welcome to this service of intercessory prayer.

More information...


Bird Walk

sunday, November 18, 3pm

Joined skilled birder, Annie Aguirre, for the final walk of the season. During the October walk, 18 species of birds were sighted, including 4 different kinds of woodpeckers. Meet under Pathways Welcome Archway and check the Pathways website if the weather is questionable. More information...


Advent Intentionality

fridays, 8:00-8:30

Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14, 21

An invitation to notice and be intentional during the Advent season.

This prayer includes scripture, silence and optional coloring for those who find it meaningful.

Kay Bontrager-Singer will facilitate this prayer resource from LEAD.

November Calendar

Mondays 7-8:30pm
Tuesdays 7:30-8am
Thursdays 7:30-8am
Friday, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 8-8:30am
Monday, Nov. 12, 9am-2pm
Saturday, Nov. 15, 9am-12pm
Sunday, Nov. 18, 3pm
Friday, Nov. 30, 8-8:30am

Visit Our Site

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann