April 15, 2018


district news




  • ​​​4/24 - Years of Service Celebration
  • 4/26  4th Grade Transition Coffee, 8:30-9:30 at CMS Rm. 303


  • 4/26 BLINGO!
  • 5/23 Junie B Jones Production


  • 4/26  4th Grade Transition Coffee, 8:30-9:30 at CMS Rm. 303

years of service celebration

Tuesday, April 24th from 4-6pm in the PV Town Center Community Room

Biennially, the PV-PTO teachers, staff and community recognize some of our finest for their years of service to the district. 

This year, come celebrate with us as we honor the following staff for their outstanding dedication. 

10 Years

Adam Ahlbach, Suzanne Fast, Margie Mather, Patricia Pope, Crissy Untrecht

20 Years

Kristin Berman, Catherine Castillo, Deborah Grech, Jennifer Lebsack, Jerry Nickel, Wayne Rickert, Jeanne Rusch, Rupal Sutaria


Incoming Fourth Grade Transition Coffee - april 26th

What goes on over there at CMS? What is the Gold Rush trip?  How about those Cocoa Breakfasts? Where do the kids sit at lunch?  

Please join us at CMS for a coffee and chat about CMS Fourth Grade.

When:  Thursday, April 26th, from 8:30-9:30am

Where:  Corte Madera School, Rm. 303.  

Who:  Incoming 4th Grade Parents and any other interested Ormondale parents. 

Superindendent Eric Hartwig, CMS Principal, Cyndi Maijala, and Ormondale Principal, Lynette Hovland will be in attendance as will be "seasoned" parents of students who are currently at CMS.  We will be there to answer your questions about all things big and small.  Our aim is to make your child's transition from Ormondale to Corte Madera as smooth as possible.  So let's meet over a coffee and learn more about CMS at this relaxed and informal information session.

Note, in addition to the coffee chat, there are a couple other events to mark on your calendar:

Thursday, May 15th at 1:30pm - Incoming 4th Grade Parent Meeting at CMS, Transition to CMS. (This is the same presentation as the November 14th meeting, but offered at an afternoon time, the tour will be varied.)

Thursday, May 17th at 7:30am - Cocoa Breakfast and School Tour at CMS for current 3rd graders.   (Parents, please feel free to walk your child in and join for the Cocoa portion 7:30-8:00am. 

There is also additional information on our PVSD website under the "Incoming Fourth Graders Welcome" link.  http://cms.pvsd.net/students/incoming_4th_graders/


If you have any unused toys/board games/possible items to donate as prizes (for both kids and adults), hugely appreciated if you bring them to the office!  There is a “Blingo Prize Box” in the office that will happily and gratefully accept whatever prize offerings you have. 

Think of all the things you have in your home, sitting unopened and idle, begging to be of use.  Bring those to us, please!  For any questions on this, please contact Sangini Majmudar Bedner at smajmudar@aol.com

If you haven’t yet seen the very funky video invite, please click here for extra inspiration!!!! 


perfect peas

By Mrs. Wong & Mrs. Fast’s Students

This month’s superfood is peas.  Peas have many health benefits for our bodies.  To begin, they prevent stomach cancer, heart disease, constipation, prevents wrinkles, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and osteoporosis.  Peas are full of vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, & B6. They also have folate and zinc and omega 3 fat. A cup of peas has less than 100 calories which makes this vegetable perfect for weight management.  If you need energy, peas are the superfood for you to eat.

Here’s a joke for you - What is a librarian's favorite vegetables?  The answer is - Quiet peas.

Please have some peas please!  Click here for a delicious Pea Pasta Recipe​.

Junie B Jones

Please come and watch your wonderful children in the Junie B. Jones Jr. Musical on May 23rd @ 8.30AM and 6Pm at Ormondale School! It will be a fantastic performance and the cast is working hard to prepare for the final show!


corte madera news

shrek the musical, jr., thank you!

We hope most of you have heard the many deserved accolades about the CMS musical Shrek, performed last week at the Priory school on April 4th and 5th.  It was an amazing performance by our students and a truly incredible production through a collaboration between the Portola Valley Theater Company CMS Staff and CMS parent volunteers. 

We'd like to extend our enormous gratitude to parent producer Caroline Krauskopf for her passion and leadership and the countless volunteer hours she dedicated since last summer to make this production possible.  A big thanks also to CMS teachers Juliet Green and Sarrie Paguirigan and to PVSD for its commitment to the performing arts at CMS.

We'd also like to thank the many parent volunteers who made the production possible:  Sally Aalfs, Dawn Axelrad, Karyn Bechtel, Rosario Camacho, Eva Diez, Lauren Donovan, Hilary and Colin Duwe, Tobias Freccia and Lisa Freccia Giblin, Jon Gottfried, Jen Hanley, Elisa and Ty Jagerson, Chip Krauskopf, Mark Leet, Megan Michael, Ginger Pistilli, Rosa Salgado, Elizabeth Schor, Simon Scott, Sharon Shaffer, Amy Shiner and Susan Silberman. 



community news

Kidizens summer camps: Young Mayors - Build and Run Your Own LEGO City

Would you like to build and be the Mayor of an entire city of LEGOs?

Would you like to leverage your child’s love of LEGOs to help them learn critical real-life, 21st-century skills and strategies?

Kidizens inspires students to become good citizens and future leaders, one LEGO brick at a time. During our excitement-packed Bay Area LEGO Summer Camps, kids plan and create their own small civilization, thereby developing real-life skills and strategies.The Kidizens Summer Program includ es intensive action and excitement-packed sessions, where children partner as Young Mayors to build, inhabit, manage and govern their own LEGO cities. In a highly immersive and collaborative environment, children learn critical 21st century and leadership skills while role-playing and having fun in a universe built of LEGOs and dealing with natural disasters, resident problems and financial crises. 

Summer Camps offered in Belmont, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Gatos, and Saratoga from June 4th - August 11th, Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm, with after-care available at additional cost. Visit Kidizens Website for more information or contact us

Help Students Who Need You Most - Learn about All Students Matter on April 25 or 26

Come learn about volunteering next school year, once a week in a K-5th grade classroom in eastern Menlo Park and East Palo Alto and where students face many challenges and are eager for your support to build academic and social/emotional skills. Hear about the impact you can have by joining us 10:00 am on Wednesday, April 25 in Atherton or Thursday, April 26 in Palo Alto at the home of a current volunteer.

Contact Jeanette Kennedy at jkc_kennedy@yahoo.com to receive details. Learn more about us at www.allstudentsmatter.org.

Summer Tennis camp at alpine hills

This summer, Alpine Hills is offering six weeks of Junior Summer Tennis Camp. All ages and levels are welcome! We will have both a half day camp (for beginner and intermediate players) and a full day camp (for competitive and advanced players). Camps will be offered June 11-15, June 18-22, June 25-29, July 9-13, July 16-20and July 23-27. Sign up before spaces are filled! For more information and to register CLICK HERE. Club membership is not required.

Mid-pen water polo club spring 2018 skills clinics

Saturday, March 24th and Saturday, April 21st

10am-12pm @ Menlo-Atherton High School

Open to ALL skill levels and ALL positions

Cost: $40/player

Whether you are a first time player or a skilled varsity player, these camps are for you! The two camps will focus on:

* Individual skill development

* Improving passing and shooting technique

* Building leg strength and body balance

* Position specific drills

* Gameplay activities

To register for the camp, please visit our website.


Act onstage or get behind the scenes this summer! 

PVTC still has space in summer camp! Performance students take classes in acting, singing, dancing, design, and attend special workshops with master teaching artists. Tech campers have the chance to explore lights, sound, set building, painting, and costumes. All the hard work culminates in fully-staged performances at the end of the camp session. Join us for Honk JR (entering grades 5-8), Seussical KIDS (entering grades 1-6)A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (high school), or tech camp (entering grades 6-8). Register online today at www.pvtc-ca.org!



Now in its sixth season in Portola Valley, this camp is a great way for kids who love games to learn to programme. We use real programming with a real programming language - Java - on a real-world server that your child will setup and configure. Kids enjoy seeing the immediate results of their learnings and are highly motivated to understand the capabilities and techniques of Java.

The camp also draws on their imaginative abilities, creating new Minecraft mods that they’ve dreamed up but never thought they could actually build, like an arena generator or spawn an Ender Dragon or a TNT block that explodes when the timer reaches zero!

At the end of the camp, your child will have learned:

- How to setup and use their own Minecraft server 

- How to install customized mods on their server using Spigot

- How to set up a software development environment

- How to build a mod using Java

- Programming basics

- Java basic

All camps are run here in Portola Valley by the Youstra brothers, students at Woodside Priory.

To learn more about the camps and register for one of the sessions, CLICK HERE


Sessions are filling up quickly.  

Here is the link: Registration


  • Session 1: June 11-15 (Sold-Out)
  • Session 2: June 18-22
  • Session 3: June 25-29

All sessions include optional extended care from 3:00-5:30 Monday –Thursday

All sessions include optional fun Friday camp from 9:00-3:00. 

We look forward to another great summer at Panthers Camp building confident movers that inspire others.  Please let me know if you have any questions at (pantherscamppv@gmail.com).


Learning math feels like play in this engaging summer camp that will help your child improve skills, build confidence, and head into the new school year feeling excited about math!

Math Quest Camp is a joy-filled week of math mysteries, number challenges, real-world projects, and games that make math fun and easy to understand.

By the end of camp, all the kids have their favorite ways to “play” with math. They'll head to the school year with a boost in confidence, improved math skills, and the belief that math is fun.

        • July 9-13: Portola Valley, grades 1-4
        • July 16-20: Santa Clara, grades 1-4
        • July 23-27: Portola Valley, grades 3-6
        • Aug 6-10: Santa Clara, grades 3-6

Hours: 9am – 3pm, M-F (extra care available 8:00am-5:00pm)
More Info click HERE

San Francisco Boys Chorus!

In our 70th year of operation, the San Francisco Boys Chorus is hoping that you will look into our program if your son is between the ages of 4 ½ and 14 years old and likes to sing.

We teach boys with unchanged voices how to sing, read music and perform.  We teach classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:30PM at the Congregational Church of San Mateo located at 225 Tilton Avenue in San Mateo.  We run 2 summer music camps a year and sponsor an international and national tour every other year.  Our boys perform with the San Francisco Symphony, the San Jose Opera, and San Francisco Opera.  The boys perform also at sports games with the Oakland Raiders and San Francisco Giants.

If you would like to learn more about our program and our May 13th auditions,  please visit our website. 


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