The Friends Focus!

Newsletter of the Friends of the Pittsburgh Fisher House

Rendering of 16 Suite Fisher House

 We're Multiplying!

The Friends of the Pittsburgh Fisher House Announce Plans to Build Second House

The Friends of the Pittsburgh Fisher House announced in 2020 that the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS) was selected to receive a second Fisher House! With this exciting news comes the opportunity to host even more families and care givers who travel to support their veterans while receiving VA medical care in the Pittsburgh region. 

Read all about it!

You can see that the Pittsburgh Fisher House frequently fills up. What happens then? The Friends help find alternatives and pay for over 1,460 room nights elsewhere for our guests. You can be part of the solution by helping us build the 2nd house which increases capacity by over 100%!

The challenge ahead is to raise major gifts from individuals, foundations, corporations, and the veteran community to fund the construction. The Friends currently seek community leaders to serve on the Capital Campaign Committee. You can make a difference! Email us to let us know you'd like to help!

Join long time Fisher House supporter and Pittsburgh Steeler, Alejandro Villanueva, as part of our team to build the 2nd Pittsburgh Fisher House!

Want to get involved with the Friends of the ​Pittsburgh Fisher House Capital Campaign?

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