Happy Landcare Week to all of our Members, Partners, Sponsors and Friends!! ​

It's Landcare week this year from the 4th to the 10th of September. The Bass Coast Landcare Network would like to encourage each and every one of you to keep up the amazing work that you do. This week on our facebook page we will post a story each day on a group, person, project or event that has inspired us, and everyone else involved.

If you haven’t had a look or liked our facebook page already, head on over to https://www.facebook.com/BassCoastLandcareNetwork/ and give us a like!



Click on the links for event information and booking details.

Get involved in the last Community Tree planting Day for this season


The last community planting of the year to wind up this year’s planting season will be on Saturday the 16th of September. This day will be hosted by the 3 Creeks Landcare group at Ray and Gill Kirks property Jindara, at the Mouth of the Powlett Road, Kilcunda. There are 2000 plants to go in at a few spots along the Powlett River.

We have held 23 community plantings this year, with over 200,000 plants going in the ground across Bass Coast. What a great effort from all our volunteers, well done to everyone involved. 

Thinking of doing some planting next year at your property?

Click here to take you to our website page explaining how you can get assistance to undertake your own Landcare project

We need your help! Regular Nursery Group days for Volunteers


We need your help! If you have driven past the Bass oval lately you may have glimpsed our new nursery, established to supply tree planting projects across Bass Coast with local indigenous plants.

A dedicated team of volunteers meet every second Friday and every second Wednesday to plant seed, prick out and pot on seedlings, weed seedling pots, fertilize plants and chatter over a nice morning tea. Coming into the busy growing season extra volunteers are needed and it’s a great way to learn how to grow native plants. We would love to have you!

Please contact Rob Gray our Ecosystem Services Coordinator on [email protected] to register your interest and find out the next session dates.

Westernport Biosphere Lifesearch in September


For the month of September, schools, individuals and groups can be a part of recording the biodiversity around us as part of Biosphere Lifesearch. The Westernport Biosphere Reserve Committee is hosting this citizen science in action program with prizes on offer for the most observations recorded to the Atlas of Living Australia. What a great way for groups and students to get outside and have fun, learn about their environment and collect knowledge to contribute to our understanding of life in the Westernport Biosphere.

To register and for guidelines on how to participate click here

30th Birthday Celebrations for Phillip Island Landcare Group


Save the Date! Phillip Island Landcare Group will be recognising their 30th year with a celebration on Saturday 2nd December 2017.  Location is to be decided however rumour has it at a local farm. The day will include a Farm walk, historical displays, recognition of past and present personnel, the PILG 2017 AGM, BBQ and music. Keep the date free, more details to come.

Click here to see more about the Phillip Island Landcare Group


Bass Coast Landcare Network at the Victorian Landcare Awards


BCLN staff, Landcare Members and Bass Coast Shire Council representatives traveled to The Victorian Landcare Awards last Friday 1st of September at Government House. Bass Coast had nominations in six categories with two of the nominations receiving awards. Three Creeks Landcare took out a Highly-commended award in the Landcare Community Group Category and the Environmental Detectives Team received a Commended Award in the Junior Landcare Team Category. Congratulations and well done to all involved!

To read the full story click here 

New Video footage using drones, time-lapse and more…


You might remember our story in the last e-news on our massive planting day with 200 Wonthaggi Secondary college year 9 students at Karl Russo’s property. We now have an amazing video of the day available on our facebook page. Sam Shannon, Regional Facilitator with the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority compiled this video for us, combining dramatic aerial footage from a drone, time-lapse video, photos and explanations of how this planting effort came together. Thank you, Sam, you have perfectly captured the action.

Click on this link to check out this great video clip on our facebook page, this will also be up on our website shortly

Community Planting Days Round up


Phillip Island Landcare Group – 13th August. A successful Phillip Island Landcare Group community tree planting at Bill Cleeland's surf beach property. 1000 plants successfully planted and guarded. Thanks to all those who helped to make it a fantastic day.

Click here to check out the Phillip Island Landcare group webpage


French Island Landcare and Friends of French Island -Saturday 26th August. Congratulations and a huge thanks to the twenty keen volunteers who planted 400 native trees, grasses and sedges at 'The Slipway' on the the south coast of French Island.  A big thanks also to Judith, Linda and Julie for feeding us hot soup, rolls and delicious cake at the community hall after! 
Click here to see more on the French Island Landcare Group


Phillip Island Landcare Group – 26th August. Our last Phillip Island Landcare Group community tree planting for 2017 was a huge success. Over 20 people helped plant and guard nearly 1000 plants at the Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit. A great BBQ was enjoyed by everyone afterwards. Thanks to the staff of the Grand Prix Circuit for catering and cooking.


3 Creeks Landcare Group - 2nd of September, Chris Puyol, Gippsland Mushrooms, everyone who came got a free bag of mushrooms, thanks to the volunteers and thanks Chris for the mushrooms!

Click here to check out the 3 Creeks Landcare group webpage

Southern Gippsland Foodmap – finding great food locally​


With over 100 local producers registered, the online mobile responsive Southern Gippsland Foodmap provides information on produce availability and outlets, including farm gates, cellar doors, farmers’ markets and retailers in Southern Gippsland.

Interested in buying local food and wine?

Browse the map, design your tour and call in and buy local produce directly from the grower.  With a little planning, you’re guaranteed to find local food and wine that suits your taste. Whether you want that personal experience of designing your own food tour or you are looking for local produce for your food store or restaurant, you will find a great range of local product information listed on the Southern Gippsland Foodmap.

To read the full story about the Southern Gippsland Food map click here

BCLN Office refurbishment


If you have been by the Bass Coast Landcare Office at 2-4 Bass School Road, Bass (between the Bass hall and the Op shop) in the past few weeks you may have thought we had either been robbed or moved out! No need to worry we have just been updating the office. The next time you drop by you will notice some changes. We said goodbye to the yellow walls, concrete floors and Dave Bateman’s Wall of fame and have now moved back in to clean fresh white (who knew there were so many shades of white…) walls, wood look vinyl floor tiles and modern desks to bring some calm and warmth to this space. Do drop by to have a look and say hello!


Do you want to set up or expand on your Landcare group Facebook page?


West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority are hosting workshops to learn the basics of Facebook for your Landcare group. Facebook can be an effective way of promoting events, getting new members and sharing information. The workshop will focus on building your online community, the do’s and don’ts of posts, what all the settings mean and content planning. Leongatha Workshop: Tuesday 19th September, 6.30 to 8.30pm, West Gippsland CMA Office.​ The workshops will be run by Erika McInerney from Mac&Ernie Social Media.RSVP essential: call Kathleen Brack 1300 094 262 or email [email protected] by 8th of September. A pizza tea will be provided and places are limited.

Network resources available on our website


Did you know that you have access to a range of resources on our website? Each month we will introduce you to a different resource on our website including fact sheets, case studies and videos from various landholders sharing their experiences on how they have successfully tackled land management issues on their own properties. 

This month we look at the Network documents available. From our Annual report cards to our Strategic documents on Weed Control, Soil Health, Farm planning and Education opportunities, have a look at the technical side of the Network by clicking the link below.

To access our range of Network documents please click here ​


Work continues at the River Garden


Over the last few months work has continued on getting some basic infrastructure established at the River Garden site, adjacent to the Bass Coast Landcare Network Office. Pine trees have been removed near the bridge and river, with indigenous plants now planted in their place by our Green Army Team. There have been dams, swales, and a retarding basin dug to manage and filter water flows off the site, pathways and entry points are being created and sections for fruit trees are all underway. We have received sponsorship from AGL to complete some of these works and we will soon be hosting some public days to get community input on what you would like to see incorporated into this exciting new area. Watch this space!

To keep up to date with developments, see the River Garden section in the Sustainable Agriculture Page on our website by clicking here

Bass Coast Arc – Public Fund making projects a reality - Donate today to make a difference


The Bass Coast Landcare Network Public Fund is a regional non-profit organisation focusing on conserving biodiversity in Bass Coast. We need your donations to help fund small projects by local community groups working with the relevant Land Managers to improve public spaces and create community access.

Under the banner of “Bass Coast Arc – Community Access to Public Space” the Public Fund aims to support local community groups doing things like: Managing pest plants and animals, surveying vegetation, repairing and upgrading infrastructure, including public tracks and fences.

Be a part of this important work - Click here to donate today!


Each month we feature a Bass Coast Landcare Network Staff member so you can put a face to the name and learn about us and what we do. 

Peter Baird


Peter started his environmental education career in 2004 with the Coastal Ambassadors program run by the Phillip Island Nature Park and went on to join the Nature Parks education board. Peter’s background in art, music and teaching combined with his life-long passion for nature was a natural fit for this work. In 2009 Peter started doing some case studies for Landcare as well as producing some Landcare videos with his wife Nicole and ran the establishment of BCLN website. In 2010 long-time Landcare corporate partner ENGIE started providing guaranteed funding for BCLN’s fledgling schools program Environmental Detectives and Peter became a dedicated Education Officer delivering a diverse range of programs to over 40 schools and more than 2000 students per year throughout Bass Coast and the Latrobe Valley.

Congratulations to Peter, Lisa and Rosie for their Commended award in the Junior Landcare Team category at the Victorian Landcare Awards for the Environmental Detectives Program.

Click here for more information on our staff or to get into contact with any of our team. 

Tell us your stories....

We would love to hear from you and your groups with stories and photos of what's been happening in your area and suggestions of things that you would like to see in your E-news!

Happy Landcare week everyone,

Until next month,

From the Bass Coast Landcare Network. 


Want to know more?

We want to hear from you. Find us at www.basscoastlandcare.org.au or Email us at [email protected]
and we’ll be in touch!