Pathways Rhythms

April 2023


April 2 - April 8

April 9 - May 28


Pathways' longstanding tradition of offering the Stations of the Cross and Resurrection​ in our woods is returning!  Stations of the Cross will be available in the woods during Holy Week (April 2-8) and Stations of the Resurrection will be up in the woods for the duration of Eastertide (Easter Sunday through Ascension Sunday).  Stations can be walked in the woods anytime from dawn until dusk.  We will also have virtual stations available on our website for those who cannot visit our woods in person.

Pathways staff will be on site Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (April 6,7,8).  If you plan to bring a group to walk the Stations of the Cross, please let us know using the form on the bottom of this page so that a staff member can greet you.

Friday, April 6, noon


A service of prayer and reflection for Good Friday​. 

Seven lit candles will be extinguished with readings, silence and meditation upon the last moments of Jesus' life. 

Join us in person at noon at Pathways Retreat for this reflective 25 min service.

Creation Care Event

April 22, 9-11 am

upcoming creation care events:

May 13, 9-11 am

June 17, 9-11 am


Join us for our upcoming Creation Care event on Earth Day, April 22.  During this time of outdoor work we hope to plant some trees in our woods.

Please dress in clothes suitable for outdoor work, including sturdy, close-toed shoes.  Bring work gloves if you have them and a water bottle. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our volunteer coordinator.  In the case of bad weather we will reschedule the work day, so check our website and social media for updates.  

Tick Prevention at Pathways


As the weather warms up the possibility of encountering ticks increases.  While most ticks in our area of Indiana are harmless, deer ticks are possible carriers of Lyme disease.  We encourage visitors to our woods and  meadows to use a repellent and to check themselves for ticks after a visit.  

Picaridin​ lotion, OFF Deep Woods spray (with Deet​) and Repel Lemon & Eucalyptus spray (Deet free) are available at Pathways for guests to use.  Repellent sprays can be found in the green box and the trailhead near the Retreat House and Picaridin lotion can be found on the side door porch or in the side door entryway.  Please help yourself to any of these products or bring your own. 

See the Tick Prevention page of our website for more information on ways to protect yourself and how to safely remove a tick from your skin.


Iona Healing Prayer


3rd Mondays, Noon

April 17

Prayer of Commitment

In person and online

Tuesdays, 8-8:30am

with optional conversation following prayer

Lectio Divina

In person and online

Wednesdays, 8-8:30am

with optional conversation following prayer

Centering Prayer

In person and online

Thursdays, 8-8:30am

Creation Prayer

In person

Fridays, 8-8:45am

Pathways is on Facebook & Instagram

Like Pathways Retreat on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with announcements and events.


Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.