
Summer Professional Development for Administrators, Department Chairs, and Supervisors


If you're an administrator, supervisor or department chair who wants to advance, you can develop your human resources and budgeting skill sets through One Schoolhouse's summer online courses for academic and non-academic administrators.

Session: June 12 - June 30

The Budget Meets Mission is a three-week online course designed in partnership with NBOA that will help you understand how school finances can inspire resourceful action on the part of all leaders charged with managing their schools. Learn how to be good stewards of your school’s financial resources, to be strategic in light of financial pressure, and to work more collaboratively with the leadership team around financial issues.

"I found this course to be very beneficial in helping me better understand the major drivers in creating a financially sustainable model within private schools. This course has helped me strive to be a visionary leader outside of the traditional role as school Administrator. I feel better prepared to do my part in helping all areas, Admissions, Advancement and the Business Office, work towards financial sustainability." – administrator, Indiana​ 

Learn more and to register

Session: June 12 - June 30 

HR 101 is a three-week online course designed in partnership with NBOA for independent school administrators, department heads, and others who are responsible for supervising school employees. Learn how to avoid potential pitfalls in the areas of hiring, employee leave requests, effective performance evaluations and the separation process. The course provides a legal framework that will help you spot issues, learn when to seek help and avoid legal risks.

"HR is critical when creating a school culture. Having more administrators knowledgeable about the law and best practice is in the best interests of all schools." – administrator, South Korea

Learn more and to register

Session: July 17 - August 11

This course designed in partnership with IBSC and CIRCLE is for current and aspiring boys' school leaders across the school spectrum — from educators to those in school operations — who are interested in exploring and applying models and frameworks for personal and team leadership.  You will be equipped with the skills to identify your leadership strengths and build a professional learning plan for development. 

Learn more and to register