Rhythms Newsletter

October 2019

Mystic of the Month

Christine Valters Paintner is a Benedictine oblate and the online abbess of Abbey of the Arts, a monastery without walls offering classes and resources to nurture contemplative practice and creative expression.

When we live simply,

we relinquish expectations for how things will or should be,

and remain present to the way things really are.

We bring a contemplative presence to the world,

compassionate and curious about what we might discover.

Simplicity opens wide the doors for a process of letting go,

allowing us to be fully present to the graces given us in this precise moment. 

- Christine Valters Paintner, The Artist's Rule -

October Calendar

Coming in November

Iona Healing Prayer

*Registration Required


Fall Day Retreat

Friday, November 22, 9am-4pm

This retreat features Gestalt Pastoral Care, a model of healing ministry that integrates Gestalt growth work with Spiritual companioning and healing prayer. Facilitated by Linda Lehman Thomas and Julie Stegelman. 

$80 for full participant and $50 for intercessor/observer.

Bring a bag lunch.

For more information or to register online, click here.

Visit Our Site

Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann