
Hello Beautiful Soul

Blessings of the Waxing Crescent phase of Grandmother Moon and the energies of Emerging Spring.

The Wheel continues to turn and soon enough it will be Spring Equinox. Which among other things, is a power-full time of balanced day and night, a time of revelation and possibility, a time of budding and blossoming trees and springtime flowers, a time of budding and blossoming ideas, intentions and new found clarity.

Mother Earth is coming alive with colour and awakened potential. And as we consciously move through this sacred threshold of Spring Equinox we are, once again, given an opportunity to move beyond what we know and to celebrate all that is coming alive within and around us.

And we are thrilled to invite you, to join us for a special in person Spirit Drumming Circle to celebrate Spring Equinox. 

When: Thursday, March 21st at 7:00pm (at the Port Robinson Community Centre (40 Cross St, Port Robinson (Thorold), Ontario)

What a wonderful opportunity to gather in sacred and intentional community and drum up the energies in celebration of all that we are.. 

Please bring;
- a suggested donation of 10-20$ (Generosity Policy applies ~ pay what you can)
- your drums and/or noise makers (please let me know if you would like to borrow a drum).
-water to drink.

And/Or make a $20 donation here;

Donate $20

No previous experience is necessary.

For more information see our Facebook Event Page;


Blessings and Love for All Our Clans,

Lorriiii Dragon Dream


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The New moon is a power-full and healing time of new beginnings, of seeding a new cycle, a time of hidden potential and possibility, a meaningful time to set sacred intention and to consider what we are creating/manifesting in our world. A wonderful time to explore all that supports us.

This Virtual Journey/Sharing Circle is being offered in the energy of when the New Moon in Aries, passes between the Sun and Earth, creating a Solar Eclipse which among other things amplifies the intensity of the New Moon and the New Moon Lunation. Such a power-full time to gather in sacred community, to witness and to experience healing, growth and transformation.

And as we walk the sacred path between Shadow and Light, we call upon the energies of love and awakened acceptance. So that we can open to the truth and wholeness of our experience and set our intentions and consciously choose our next steps.

Pre Registration is required for this event and space is limited so if this calls to you please do contact us soon.

For more information and/or to register for this event please contact;
Lorriiii Dragon Dream
Once you've registered we will send the zoom link.

Suggested donation of $10 -$20 can be E-transferred to Breny Mason email [email protected] and/or click below to donate;

Donate $20

Generosity policy applies ~ pay what you can.

Whether you are new to Shamanism and/or are a seasoned practitioner (wanting to join sacred community and deepen your practice) this offering may be for you.

event page

Looking forward to seeing you soon.
In Gratitude and Love,
Lorriiii & Breny

(Online via Zoom a maximum of 2 hour sessions)
April 7th, 2024

12am (Calgary, AB, Canada)
2pm (Toronto, ON, Canada)
3pm (Halifax, NS, Canada)
6pm (United Kingdom)

Ps Please do feel free to share this with anyone you feel may benefit from this work.


Never under estimate the power of living and Being in the Heart

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Purchase a 1 hr on line session
Purchase a package of 4 x 1.5 hour Sessions
Purchase a Package of 3 x 1 hour Body-Centered Coaching Sessions
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